Chapter 9 ♥ : Mysterious Note

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In class, she thought of the note. She was in deep thought and didn't hear that the teacher was calling her.

"Mi Young shii. The teacher is calling you," Luhan who sat beside her, tapped her shoulder.

"..Ne?" She was back to the class and looked to the front.

"Mi Young shii, are you okay?" The teacher asked her.

"," She replied.

"Can you come to the front and write down the workings for this question?" The teacher tapped on the whiteboard.

After writing the answer, she went back to her seat. Luhan noticed her strange behaviour and asked," Mi Young shii, are you really okay?"

"Ne?" She looked at him.

"You look lost in thought from just now," He said.

"It's nothing," She told him although her look seemed obviously troubled.

During lunch break, she ate her lunch alone since Luhan had something on. She kept thinking of the letter that she received in the morning.

"....Be careful when you walking home alone...I'll be watching.."

She thought of a possible people that might do this while analysing the note, didn't notice that someone was behind her.

"...It can't be him...," She mumbled.

"Who can't be him?" Someone said from behind.

She was a little surprised and turned behind. Luhan sat beside her with a tray of food. She quickly put the note at the side pocket of her skirt.

"Oh, it's you," She said.

"Something wrong?" Luhan asked while eating his food.

"Aniya," She told him.

"You sure? You seemed not yourself today," Luhan said to her.

"Really? Maybe I'm just tired," She gave a small smile.

Suddenly both of them heard some whistling and a group of guys were walking towards them and sat surrouding them.

"Yah, Luhan ah!" Some punched his arm as a form of greeting.

"What are you guys doing here?" Luhan asked them.

"Yah, can't we sit and eat with you? It's been a while that you're eating with us," One of them said.

"Can't you see that he is too busy to entertain us since he got a girlfriend," Another friend looked at her with a grin.

Luhan spurted and looked shocked hearing them said that.

"Yah, she's not my girlfriend!" Luhan angrily said at them with low tone.

"Really? Well, if you aren't...than ehm!" One of them sat closer to her and wriggled his eyebrows with a smile towards her.

Luhan looked at him and saw him flirted with Mi Young. She seemed uncomfortable and was about to tell them off when she suddenly stood up & walked off from there. His friends looked dumbfounded and watched her went off. Luhan saw something dropped from her side pocket when she stood up just now. He grabbed the note and read the note. Suddenly, one of his friends nudged his shoulder and he quickly put away the note.

"What's wrong with her?" They asked.

"You must have upset her before we came right?" They accusses Luhan.

"Me? She's fine before you guys showed up," Luhan muttered.

"Guys, lets go," They stood up and left.

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