**Important Information**

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This is just a quick message to say some stuff about this story and its updates and whatnot.

I need some time to go through the most recent parts and alter some stuff about the characters. This means there may be a huge attitude change in several of the characters. But it is, in all honesty, necessary.
I'm gonna take some time to work with each character, and who knows. Maybe I'll have some "parts" that just work with one character at a time to let you get to know the characters properly with the updates. I don't know. It just needs to happen and they need to change. Ash in particular.
Ash's character was actually created in 2012. So she's an old character of mine, and she's always been a bit bitchy, sarcastic, loud mouthed and bratty. But she needs to change now. And I actually want to change her myself, I just don't know how to. I need to work on it.

The past few days have been hard. Mentally, and physically for me. I've had a lot going on, and it's been affecting my writing a hell of a lot. Like, I've had ideas. I just haven't know how to get them down.

Ash appears in Kingmaker? Yes. Yes she does. But she WILL be different. She may be a bit snappy and bitchy in the most recent part, but that will change. And that is a promise. Heck, her name might even change. I just needed a name to set the story up before I forgot the ideas I had. UPDATE: The name is now Ava.
As for this story. As I said. I need time to work through the 83 parts that aren't information parts such as this one.

I hope you all understand.
Again, thank you for your support and feedback.
It all means so much, and without you guys providing this feedback, I don't know where my work would be. I appreciate honest feedback, and I take it all into consideration. So, I thank you <3

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