He's My Brother

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As Ash was introduced to the Gladiators, her heart started to sink. The feeling of dread and an overwhelming sense of nausea flew over her. Flamma gave her a glance, noting the pale complexion, and the look of dread. Was something bugging her about meeting the gladiators? Unsure as what to do, Flamma continued. "This is Nero and Caro. They're nothing but scum in here. They're big-headed and you should just avoid them Ash. They'll do no good to you in here" The words earned annoyed growls and glares from the Gladiators. But no words came from them.

Continuing on, Flamma introduced the next group of Gladiators. "This is Maximus, Aren and Aretha. They've been here for a while, and they're pretty friendly. Just don't get on their bad sides. Its just how it works here" she said gently, noting Ash's worried expression. The girl was in no condition to be in the Arena. She just wasn't.

When it came to introducing the last Gladiator. Ash whimpered, not saying a word as she ran to the Gladiator. Instantly being taken into his arms in a tight hug. Silence greeted the action. No one knew this Gladiator was Ash's brother, Niero. And no one would know until one of them spoke. But Ash was far too upset to speak now.

"Why are you in here?" murmured Niero as he kept Ash against him. Noting all of the wounds that covered his sisters' body. A slight cry was all that was given as a response. "Come on. You can talk to me. I won't hurt you like 'They' did" he murmured again, pushing her back every so slightly to look into her eyes.

"Decimus. The guards attacked the Assassin's. I don't know what condition any of my friends are in. I went after dad, and he sent Decimus after me. Decimus attacked me and sent me here. He says I'm his Gladiatrix now and if I lose fights, he'll come after me again" whimpered Ash, trying not to let more tears roll down her cheeks.

Niero felt his heart breaking. His little sister had been through what sounded like a lot within such a short space of time. "You've been through a lot, haven't you?" he sighed, glancing at the other warriors, seeing their confused faces. "I'm Ash's brother. Our father... Our father hates Ash. He hates what she has done with her life. But I don't. I love what she's done. I love that she chose a different path. She has the courage that I could never find to disobey our father" said Niero with a sigh as he watched his sister.

Silence greeted the news.

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