Making All The Wrong Moves

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The plans to go out riding had been replaced by a visit to the medic after Ash had shown significant pain when trying to tack up Mischief. Decimus had taken her straight to the medic to be examined, though he knew the medic wouldn't be happy about Ash's conditon.

"Sir, it would be advisable that Assassina does not compete in these events. During the last event, an injury somehow went unnoticed, or maybe forgotten. Her wrist was fractured, and though she is doing well to ignore the pain, it is not wise for her to compete until the wrist has healed" sighed the medic as he inspected Ash's wrist. It was still bruised and looked rather sore. How she'd kept quiet about it for so long was beyond the medics' comprehension.  "She may say she can compete, but I do advise against is so as not to further injure the wrist during the healing process"

Decimus, who had been sat beside Ash, sighed at what he was hearing. "Fine. She will not compete. But if you fail to aid her in the healing process, you will find yourself being fed to the lions. They're hungry, and you would be quite the tasty meal for them" The medic froze up for a second, before bowing his head. "I will do what I can for her, sir. But I cannot guranteee a fast recovery. She seems to have damaged her wrist before she came to us. The healing process may take longer"
Ash had remained quiet, trying not to whimper or cry when the medic touched her wrist. "The prior damage seems to have been only minor though, so there should not be any issues" said the medic once more. "Also, Decimus. Tremalthios wishes to visit you and Ash whist you are here. He will be arriving shortly" murmured the medic as he wrapped Ash's wrist in a tight bandage.

And sure enough, Tremalthios entered the small room. "Decimus. Assassina" he greeted, his cold gaze falling on the pair. "It has come to my attention over recent weeks, that you. Assassina. Have had quite the attitude change in here. Regardless, the injuries you sustained recently went untreated by our medical personnel. And you allowed it to be treated by your fellow warriors. Whilst it was wise to get your wounds treated. I advise that you get them treated professionally next time. Your fellow warriors could've easily poisoned you"
"My brother wouldn't poison me" murmured Ash through teary eyes, her voice holding a slight hint of harshness. ~Speaking like this could get me killed~ Tremalthios narrowed his eyes as he looked to her. "Are you sure about that? He hasn't spoken of you once since you got injured. I asked him what he thought of your behaviour around the High Guard and Decimus. He merely shrugged you off. Didn't even want to say your name. He doesn't seem to care anymore Ash. Meaning, he probably won't have any issues killing you if you are ever pinned up against each other in the arena. I can see you're about to snap, Assassina. But this is just the beginning. Your brother has already cast you aside. How long before everyone else does the same?" Smirked Tremalthios, watching the girl.

Ash was getting angrier and angrier the more Tremalthios spoke of her brother and the other warriors. "Don't. Speak. About. My. Brother. Like. That" She said every word quietly with an all too clear hint of anger and annoyance. And without warning, she lunged at Tremalthios. Intent on doing damage to the leader of the very arena that now owned her and controlled her.....

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