Guarding Love

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Decimus carried Ash back to the barrack, rocking her gently in his arms to keep her more or less awake. His heart was racing. Every breath she took was staggered and light. "It's ok. It's ok" he whispered, more to himself than Ash. As they arrived back at the barracks, Decimus shoved the door open with his leg, carrying his love to her bed. Laying her down gently, feeling the stickiness of blood against his own skin. His loves blood. With a breath in to try and calm himself, he quickly left the room to gather medical supplies. Pulling them into his arms before rushing back to Ash.
When he returned, she was sat upright in the bed, leaning against the wall. She rubbed her throat with her hand, a pained frown plastered to her lips. Decimus gave a reassuring smile, taking a seat beside her on the bed. He handed her a rag soaked with a herbal mixture to bid away the pain as he worked on her wounds. "Hold it to your nose, Ash. Take deep breaths as I stitch your arm. It is all I can do, all our healers can do. It should heal on its own in time, but it will hurt" he said softly, watching as she took the rag, pressing it to her nose. She inhaled deeply several times, doing as best she could with the agonizing pain in her throat.
With a soft, reassuring smile, Decimus began work on her wounds. Stitching up those that he could, wrapping them with bandages, before looking to her throat. The rope had left a sore red mark. All he could do was gently rub a soothing paste on the area, before wrapping a bandage around her throat gently. Making sure it wasn't tight. He then looked to her face. A few cuts lay here and there where her face had met the small rocks within the sand.  He cleaned them silently, all the while watching his loves eyes.
Tears were forming. He had to make this quick. He quickly, but carefully finished treating her wounds. He cleaned up quickly, returning all of the medical supplies to their rightful place within the small cupboards of the dining area. Upon returning to Ash, he grabbed his cloak once more, climbing onto the bed beside Ash. Wrapping the cloak over them both as he drew Ash closer to him. His head resting gently against hers as he felt her snuggle closer. She wrapped her arm across him, burying her face in the cloak as tears rolled down her cheeks. Decimus felt a lump in his throat, tears swelling in his eyes. But he blinked them away.
"My love, tell me what plagues your mind so soon after a victory" he murmured softly to her, wiping away a tear from her cheek. "I won my battle, but the crowd scowled and turned their backs. If I had not fought back, he would have killed me where I stood. I did not want to die and leave you, Decimus. You are the only man to ever love me so. And you are the only man I have ever loved. I could not die and leave you so soon. Yet the people of Rome seem to have wanted me to be slain. Is it wrong of me to fight for my life when I am placed within the arena" Her voice was distraught. But as she spoke of Decimus, it regained the longing to stay by his side.
"Dearest Ash, do not dwell on the opinions of the people of Rome. They are not used to change, my love. You had to slay the opponent that wished to slay you. You achieved what no one has been able to in over 10 years. I am forever proud of you for what you did today, and though it may have harmed you. It cannot do so again. You have no more fights now for a while. None are scheduled for you, my love. We will sit and watch in the safety and warmth of the stands beside Aleius and the other warriors. The people of Rome will not see us. Do not fear them, Ash. They follow those that win battles for it earns them currency if they bet on the warriors. Many may have lost money, but do not be detered by that. It is them that underestimated you" He spoke with love in each of his words. The people of Rome could be cruel, but he cast aside their opinions, and would encourage Ash to do so aswell.
Ash merely nodded in reply to his words, once again resting her head close to his and tracing small circles on his chest. He rested his own head against hers lightly, keeping one arm around her whilst the other rested on Ash's arm. "You should get some sleep, dear. Your mind and body are tired" murmured Decimus softly to her, feeling her tighten her grip on him ever so slightly. Her action earned a soft smile. She wanted him to remain with her, but didn't know how to say it.
Decimus smiled softly, kissing her forehead softly before shifting to lay down with her. Pulling the cloak over them again to keep them warm before he blew out the candle on the small bedside table. "Goodnight, my love" he whispered softly before closing his eyes. Ash snuggled up next to him, whispering the same words back sleepily.

Actions did speak louder than words after all.

[Authors Note: Legit had to have another adorable moment with these two. Seriously, these two are one of my favourite couples that I've ever written. And I feel like there's still so much to learn about this couple! You have to get to know your characters. And when you really get to know them on a personal level, it can do wonders for your writing. Slight rambling moment over, I really do love these two. I really do <3]

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