The New Girl

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After her treatment, Decimus once more returned to Ash. Without a word, he grabbed her forearm, dragging her towards the barracks. Ignoring her cries of fear and pain. He just didn't care. As he dragged her towards the barracks, he tightened his grip on her arm, just trying to leave a mark. He wanted her to remember who she had crossed, and who she now belonged to. "You're my Gladiatrix now. If you lose fights. You'll have me to answer to" he growled harshly, before finally shoving her into the barracks.

Upon shoving her through the doorway, he looked to the other warriors. All of which bowed their heads in some form of respect. With a sneer, he turned and left, slamming the heavy door behind him, and leaving Ash to make or break herself.

Scared and in pain, Ash moved silently to the corner of the room. Sitting against the wall on the bench that sat there. Tucking her knees to her stomach, just trying to make herself as small as possible. As she cried silently, the other warriors looked at her, just watching her. Why was this girl even here? And more importantly, why was she here under Decimus' orders? You had to really mess up for Decimus to be the one to bring you to the colosseum.

Curious, and concerned about the crying girl, Flamma moved over to Ash. Sitting opposite her carefully, not making any sudden movements to scare her even more. "Hey there, I'm Flamma. I'm a gladiatrix, like you" she said softly, watching Ash. The girl looked absolutely terrified, and she didn't need anyone making her feel worse. As Flamma waited for a response from Ash, she gazed over her wounds. Bruised arms. A badly bloodied wrist, and a bruised face. She looked like she'd been in a fight before she'd even came in here.

"Hi, I'm Ash" whimpered Ash quietly. Wrapping her arms around herself as she finally raised her head to look at Flamma. The simple 'Hi' made Flamma smile. At least Ash wasn't completely de-humanised by what she'd been through already. "Would you like me to introduce you to everyone?" asked Flamma, wanting to help Ash get settled in. Or as settled in as she could get with Decimus onto her all the time.

Ash nodded slightly. "Please" she murmured, standing when Flamma did. She was nervous, but this had to happen at some point. And best it happen now than later when she had to fight in the arena. Once she had confirmation to introduce her, Flamma led Ash to the group of warriors, trying to keep Ash by her side. "Guys, this is Ash. Decimus brought her here" she said, keeping Ash next to her. She gave Ash a reassuring smile, seeing her backing up a little. This was going to take a while.

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