Stafford and Neville's Advice

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Lord Stafford and Sir Neville now stood with Ash in Stephi's stall. After the recent incident, they needed to talk to her. Mainly about her anger and how she handles it. "Black Knight, these angry outbursts. They need to stop. And you need to learn how to channel that anger in a better way other than lashing out. The guard may have insitgated the fight, and provoked you into it. But you should've walked away. This anger, this. Stance you take when you're angry. Change it. Because you know now that there are men here who will not hesitate to put you in your place. That includes myself, Sir Neville, and Sir Howard, Ash. As you joust with us, we all have to remain loyal to the code of chivalry. And in saying that, you also need to remain patient, and calm with others. Yes, they will provoke you. Yes, they will shout at you. But it is up to YOU to control your emotions. When you let your emotions get to you. You let them control you. And you cannot do that from now on" Stated Lord Stafford, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the wall of the stall. He knew he had to watch what he said around Ash, but she had to hear what was being said before it was too late, and she lashed out at the wrong person.
"I don't mean to get angry. I can't he-" Lord Stafford cut her short. "Don't you dare say you cannot help getting angry. You can always stop yourself from getting angry. There are no excuses for it, Ash. None whatsoever. So don't try to make excuses" He knew what he had said would sound harsh to her, but she REALLY had to hear it this way. Her upbringing meant she hadn't been taught how to control her anger efficiently. And her current attitude towards it all was one she had known for several years. But Stafford would break her out of it. Even if he had to hurt her and upset her in the process. Nothing would ever be extremely easy with Ash. There was always one thing here, and one thing there, that made the whole thing a lot harder.
Ash remained silent for a moment, looking at Lord Stafford and Sir Neville. After a minute or two of silence, she spoke. "The guard spoke of my brother. They don't get to talk about him" she mumbled, again earning a slight glare from Lord Stafford. "He spoke of your brother, yes. But you didn't need to lash out in the way that you did. Words, Ash. His words hurt you. His WORDS. Hurt you. You retaliated with words, just as he had. Think of the impact your words can have too. Just because someone else's words hurt you. Doesn't mean your words should hurt them in return. Maybe not phyiscally, but mentally. Words do hurt, Ash. If you are ever put in this situation again, and I mean EVER. I want you to think before you act. Think before you speak. Or. Just walk away. Be the bigger person. If you feel angry, I want you to stay calm. Take deep breaths. Focus on the things that make you happy, not angry. Focus on Decimus. Stephi. Anything but the anger" When Lord Stafford got talking, he could say some really meaningful and useful stuff. Just like Sir Neville and Sir Howard could.
"Ash, think about what Lord Stafford has said. I also want you to think about the impact that your actions and words can have on those around you. You lash out at another guard. What kind of impact will that have, and how will it affect you and the guard in the long run? Think. Ash. We know you're not stupid, and we know you are old enough to understand and think for yourself. Remember that the impression you make in here. It could follow you for the rest of your life. Do you want to be known as the girl that couldn't hold her tongue or control her temper? The way it is going right now, that is how you will be known. Change your ways, Ash. Change your ways so that you will be known as the Black Knight. So that you will be known a jouster. So that you will have a good reputation. In the end, Ash. It all comes down to what you do from here"
Ash had stared down at the ground whilst the pair had spoken. They'd given her a lot to think about. But it had all been recieved loud and clear in her mind. She knew she had to change her ways. Not just for herself, but for those around her too.
She knew she HAD to change. And she would.

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