Sorrow's Best Friend

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It had been a week since Ash's brother passed. She'd given herself up to the arena now more than ever. Feeling like there was no way out for her at all, and no reason for her to go on without those she loved most. Her heart was aching for Dmitri, for the Assassins. And now for her brother. She'd asked to start training again, despite the concerns of the medics within the arena. Decimus tried to ease the training on her, but she just pushed herself to get it over and done with. Sometimes, Decimus would catch her trying to cause accidents that would injure or kill her. He blamed it all on the grief still fresh within her.
Decimus allowed Ash to ride the horses daily, just doing anything he could to try and keep her on the right side of consciousness. He'd even taken to keeping her with him in the private barracks. She'd often said that the regular barracks harboured sadness and fear that she couldn't bear to face anymore. "When will I compete again" murmured Ash, not looking to Decimus as she picked at her food on the table infront of her. "The medics need to asses you first. Your wounds are healed, but they're concerned about your mental state" replied Decimus softly, watching Ash.

"My mental state... I lost my brother. The only family I had left that cared about me. People say it's all 'me, me, me'. But that's how he made it feel. He only cared about me... Some days he went without food just so I could eat that day. I refused food too some days just so he could eat. I'd starve for my brother, and he'd starve for me. People always said he'd die for me. I didn't want him to die for me. I wanted him to get his freedom with me... So we could go back to the Assassins, and he could meet Dmitri. But that can't happen now. It never can. Maybe in spirit, he'll be beside me. But physically... I'll never get to hug him again. Hear his voice again. And that's what hurts the most" murmured Ash quietly, pushing the remainder of her food away from her. When she ate, she always left half of what she was given. As though she was supposed to share with someone else. Like she used to share with Niero when she was able to.
Decimus watched her push the food away with a soft sigh. "I'll be back" he said softly, standing from the chair beside her. He gently squeezed her shoulder as he passed her, before leaving the room, the door closing silently behind him. From there, he headed down to the regular barracks, entering to speak with the other warriors. "Assassina will be staying with myself from now on. The loss of her brother has left her in deep distress. It will take a while for her to be back to her usual self. Sorrow has become her best friend this past week. The grief is clear when she wakes, its clear daily, and it is clear as she goes to sleep. She wakes in the night, crying as a nightmare had plagued her mind. She pushes food away from her. I did not want to say this to her, but her freedom, though it is not guaranteed. May be given to her on the grounds that the arena leaders do not want a warrior  in the arena that will not fight back. If she is released, she will be on arena watch, and will be recalled if the law is broken once more. As I say this though, Ash asked today when she would compete again. She very much wants to fight, but her mental state is a barrier. Tremlathios wants her to fight, the medics however, do not. To Tremalthios, Ash's state is merely another crowd favourite. The crowd like a little spice in the warriors, so to speak. That is all for now, I must get back to Ash. I will speak with you all again next week" said Decimus before departing from the barracks, hurrying back down to his private barracks.

Maximus and Flamma had been silent as Decimus spoke. Taking in all that had been said. The barracks were quiet without Ash and Niero. The silence remained as neither said a word. Flamma departing to her room quickly, whilst Maximus remained. Watching the guards at the door. One of them gave a sigh, and a faint smile. "Night, Maximus. You might get the chance to see Assassina tomorrow. She could actually use the comfort"
With that, the door closed. Leaving the barracks in silence once more.

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