A Different Girl

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It had been 2 weeks since Ash's last encounter with Decimus. She'd been quiet, and had only spoken to the guards when they had spoken to her. She uttered small words to her fellow warriors, not showing her eyes. For her eyes held that which she feared to tell them. She was afraid. But they already knew. The fear would only last so long. It could only last so long. She'd have to push it aside eventually.

Training day. Ash lined up alone, taking her place at the front of the line which was usually next to a guard. Leaving no room for a friend to walk along side her. The guards had come to accept that Ash was always going to walk with them at the front of the line. They saw something in this behaviour. Desire to be alone. Desire to not get close to her fellow warriors? Maybe. They wouldn't question her. At least not here where she could hear them. They were snapped from their thoughts as Ash spoke. Out of turn, but regardless of that, they'd listen.

"I wish to train alone today" She uttered the words as though she'd just declared a war on a sworn enemy. Her voice was low, and had gained a somewhat growly undertone. She did not sound like she was willing to fight over this. The guards shared a silent look for a moment. "We will speak with Decimus. Or more, we'll take you to speak with him. The others will train as normal. The only reason we are saying this is mainly because you are Decimus' warrior" The guard had spoken more than he had to, and had said more than he had to. Ash gave him a sharp glare at his words. "Decimus wants me to fight and win. Let me train how I want in order to achieve that"

The guard simply cleared his throat, looking ahead as Decimus rounded the corner. He motioned Ash forwards, beckoning her to follow him. She nodded to the guards at her side, before moving after Decimus. Glancing back to see the other warriors move past her into the training yard. "I hear you wish to train alone. I'll allow it. But for a reason different to that you have in mind. I'm going to be testing you as a mounted warrior. You will be given a horse. And you will fight regular gladiators, and maybe animals. Dependant upon what the leaders want"

Ash nodded. By now, she had learnt to respect what Decimus was saying and doing. He may have hurt her, but right now. He was essentially her only way out of this place. "Fine with me. But Decimus, one thing I wish to ask of you. If I am to kill animals, please give me permission to look away as I deliver the final strike" She'd gotten stronger emotionally and mentally over the past few weeks, but she feared that looking into an animals' eyes as she killed it would be her undoing.

Decimus stopped once they'd reached the stables of the arena. "You must get used to these things, Ash. As much as you may not want to, you must. Do not make me go back down that  route with you" He didn't want to hurt her again, seeing as it almost killed her last time. And she seemed to have changed her ways since then. He didn't want to undo the changes.

Ash looked down, feeling sharp pains in her chest as tears pricked her eyes. "Used to killing animals for the sick enjoyment of those people we call citizens? For the sick enjoyment of our leaders. For the sick enjoyment of the people we... You call family. An innocent animal.... An innocent animal that has been warped by this place. An innocent animal that has been starved to force it to fight the human that stands before it. An animal... The ones you want us to fight are not born into this world for us to maim and kill for enjoyment. They are born into this world because that is how it was meant to be. They weren't put here for us to kill. And I won't kill an innocent animal and look in it's eyes as I do so. I may not even kill the animal. What do I gain from that? What do I gain from tearing away a life that has not yet truly been lived?" She turned her back on Decimus. Blinking away the tears. "You say I'll get my freedom if I fight and win. It's been months now. I've fought. I've trained. I've shown you all what I can do without killing an animal. Animals are innocent. The men and women here are not. Let me fight them, and only THEM. And you'll have no issues from me again. You have my word on that Decimus"

Decimus watched Ash as she spoke. His eyes narrowing ever so slightly behind his helmet. When did this girl become so well spoken? He understood not wanting to kill animals. Most just said that they didn't want to kill the animal. But never truly spoke up about it like Ash did. "Ash. I will not force you to fight and kill these animals. But you have one chance to prove yourself and that you are able to kill that which you seek. You will be taking part in the next event as a mounted warrior, against several armed soldiers. They are highly trained, Ash. And will do everything in their power to get to you and kill you providing they are given the signal to do so. They will cut down your horse. They will drag you from the horse. Anything. To get to you. Do you understand?"

"I understand" said Ash as she now stared into the eyes of the black stallion before her. This. Would be her steed in the fight....

The stallion stared back. His eyes already like fire..

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