Nightmares #2

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[Authors Note: This part is written as a nightmare within Ash's mind. Please be aware that Ash has seen a lot. Heard a lot. And experienced a lot. Nightmares are common. And will be listed like this one from now on. To recap. This is happening in her mind! I will indicate when the nightmare is over with a change of font]

"Ready men!" echoed the voice of a guard as he rallied his men. An group of 100. Small, but to the assassins, this was an army. As the group gave an almighty roar, their swords raised high, the assassins rose from their hideout. Taking up positions on rooftops, on walls and the ground. All of them seeking a higher point to give them the advantage.
"Assassins, your end comes now, my friends" chimed the guard. His voice sounding enthusiastic, and somewhat cocky. Calling them friends, his voice vibrating with sarcasm as he chuckled. Once he had composed himself, he raised his sword once more. Earning a loud roar of a battle cry, before his men charged forwards. Their blades clashing. Grunts and blood curdling screams of pain echoed off of the walls. Just when numbers were beginning to fall, more and more guards would appear. They died, but they came back and fought again. More and more appeared as one was killed.
The assassins were being pushed back more and more as they fought. Some were tiring, some were wounded. The guards, seeing this, fought harder and harder. Taking the assassins down. One by one. First. Arcane.
Second. Sef.
Third. Dmitri.
Fourth. Connor.
Their bodies scattered across the ground. Their weapons beside them, still within their grasp. Their grip everlasting. Ezio cried out for his friends to stand. His brothers and sisters of the creed. "Arcane!" he cried out. "Sef!" he cried, his voice pleading as he cut down another guard. "Dmitri!" he screamed, desperate. "Connor!!" he screamed once more. His cries falling on the ears of the now deceased. He tried for one last person.
"Ash!" he screamed, guards surrounding him. The one he had cried out for was dragged to him. Her body covered in blood. Her face bloodied, dirty and bruised. The brand of the creed burned from her finger. She lifted her head. Her eyes showing fear. Pain. And sorrow. Wanting to hug her leader, she pulled from the arms of the guards.
Reaching Ezio a second too late as a sword was pushed through his stomach. His body falling to reveal a guard behind him. The last elder assassin had fallen. With Ash the only one left standing for the creed, the guards knew she wouldn't be able to rebuild it alone. No one could build such a thing alone.
As the guards scattered from the chaos, Ash remained. Silently checking each of her fallen brothers and sisters. Checking for any signs of life. Anything at all. And finding nothing. Lastly, she moved to Ezio. Crouching to her fallen leaders side. He grasped her hand weakly. His hand shaking against hers. No words were exchanged. But she knew. She knew in his eyes that he was speaking.
'Be Strong'
As his grip faded for the final time, Ash withdrew from his side. The skies opening to pour down rain upon the fallen. Rivers of blood forming as the rain mixed with it all.
With tears down her cheeks, Ash dragged the bodies of her fallen brothers and sisters into the place they once called home. One by one.
Once inside, she sat in the doorway. Watching the rain. The chaos. The urge to lay down was great. Her body aching. Her heart weeping. She gazed back at her friends. Her family.
She gazed at the room they were in. The sofas. The fireplace. The dining table. All held memories.
As she looked ahead of her, a blade greeted her. A sword. A guard.
He raised his sword....
Then swung down towards her...

Ash woke with a scream and a gasping breath. Shooting upright, her chest heaving...
"What was that"

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