The Feelings Inside

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Decimus kept Ash close to him as they moved down the stalls that housed the horses. He was going to allow Ash to ride his shire. The stallion was calm, and would be gentle and caring with his rider. Or riders. The shire could carry more weight that the thoroughbreds within the stables. As they approached the stall, Decimus gazed down at Ash with a soft smile. She'd ridden his shire before, and done a pretty good job of keeping him under control. He remembered the last time they'd seen the shire. Decimus had attempted to keep Ash on the shire with him unwillingly. This was almost a repeat of the situation, but this time, Ash had the choice as to whether she rode alone, or with Deicmus. It was all to help her get her confidence back. It all seemed to have disappeared when Niero died.
With a soft smile, Decimus turned Ash gently to see the shire. "He's already tacked up for you. He won't hurt you" he said gently, opening the stall door. He noticed how hesitant Ash was, how nervous she looked. With an idea in mind, he gently took her hand in his. Gentle encouragement to enter the stall with him, closing the door behind her when she did so. He turned her so that her back was to his chest, keeping his hand on hers. "Trust me" he said softly, moving their hands onto the nose of the shire. She flinched ever so slightly, pressing slightly against Decimus' chest. But she kept her hand on the shire as Decimus squeezed her hand softly. Feeling comfort from him behind her. Him just being there was comforting, but there were definitely more feelings than just that.
"If you like, you can stroke his neck. He won't hurt you" murmured Decimus softly, releasing her hand. He watched with a gentle smile as Ash moved slightly to stroke the neck of the shire, as she did so, the horse stamped his foot. Making Ash jump, scaring her slightly. After a single whimper, she tried again. Trying to show she was willing to try and get her confidence back. This all made Decimus smile. She was trying, and he knew she was. It proved she wasn't ready to give up just yet. Despite what had happened. It may have taken her a while to get to this point, but she was trying. And that was enough.
"Would you like to try riding again?" asked Decimus softly. He'd understand if she said no. But what she said next came as a shock. "Only if you do too" she murmured, looking to him. She truly looked afraid, but he could tell she wanted to at least try and get on a horse again. With a gentle smile and a nod, Decimus moved to her. Carefully lifting her onto the stallion's back, before climbing up behind her. He wrapped one arm around her waist, holding the reins with the other hand. When he felt her hold onto his arm around her waist, he gave a soft smile. She felt tense, he could see how tightly she was gripping with her legs. "It's ok. You can relax a little. I've got you" he said softly, squeezing her gently to him.
At this point, he didn't care if anyone saw. But it was already quite late in the day, no one would be around to see. No one but the stable boys. As they walked out the stall, he kept a gentle grip on Ash infront of him. Remembering the last time they were like this. She was bound, headed for the arena. But now, she was here by choice.
She'd come pretty far, and after all she'd been through. Decimus felt more than just friendship between them. Whether the feelings were shared or not, he couldn't help that he felt this way. He and Ash had spent a lot of time together since she arrived at the arena. He had been with her almost every day. And through each day, he'd seen her change. Her attitude, her behaviour. Her fighting style. Everything. He'd seen the flame in her heart die, and ignite once more. He'd watched her crawl through her own personal hell, and still come out of it kicking and ready to go again. He'd watched her fall. And desperately try and build herself up again. It all drew him to her. She never wanted to give up. Grief may have slowed her, but she still held a willingness to go on. And he couldn't help but admire her for it.
As they rode through the hay covered hall of the stables, and out into the arena, he gazed down at her. Giving a soft smile as he saw her relaxed against him, appearing to be dozing quietly.

"If only I had the words to tell you how I feel, Assassina" he sighed softly, giving a very gentle squeeze of his arm around her. She merely held his arm tighter, her hand unknowingly locking on his. Maybe she felt the same too. Just maybe. He continued on the ride, walking the shire around the large circle of the arena. If the movement soothed her, he'd continue until he felt the heaviness of sleep upon him.

"I love you more than words can wield the matter, Dearer than eyesight, space and liberty" - Shakespear, King Lear- Act 1, Scene 1

[Author's Note: Okay, so they may be a thing now. They're just too adorable]

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