A Caring Heart

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Decimus woke early the next morning, a sinking feeling in his gut as he set the table for himself and Ash. He knew she could deny breakfast again today, but that didn't stop him from preparing something for her. She had to eat. It worried him when she didn't. She was already skinny, and her condition wasn't improving. Sighing, he shared some food between them. Halving a chicken breast, a loaf of bread and some fruit. It was all they had for today's breakfast until the farmer brought the next load of food. But it was something at least. Just some sustenance to get them through the morning.
Once breakfast was prepared, he moved to the room where Ash was sleeping. He knew that he couldn't force her to wake up and do anything today. But he'd offer the food, and give her the choice to work with him today. If he needed to give her gentle encouragement, he would. Even if Tremalthios was angered by it. Ash was his priority. All he wanted; was for Ash to earn her freedom so that she may be with her friends and the one she loves. His heart screamed at him to leave with her if she was ever given the chance to. He'd help her escape if the chance ever came.

Seeing her still dozing silently, he gave a soft smile. Crouching to her bedside, nudging her softly. "Ash, come. It's time for breakfast" he said gently, watching her as she stirred. She pulled herself to sit up straight, rubbing her eyes quietly for a moment before speaking. "Do I have to eat?" murmured Ash, looking to Decimus. She was very hungry, but just had no interest in eating. "No, but try a little for me?" asked Decimus, his voice almost pleading. He didn't want her to starve or become malnourished.
Ash nodded at what had been said, moving with Decimus to the table. Sitting just to the right of him as she looked at the food. She bit her lip slightly, finding it hard to avoid eating the food. "It's ok, Ash. You can eat it. It's safe" said Decimus softly, seeing her hesitation. "Trust me" he smiled gently, squeezing her hand softly, before eating his own food. Ash had gave a small smile in return before taking a bite of the chicken. She gave a quiet sigh, it tasted good. Better than any other food she'd had since arriving at the arena.
Decimus smiled as he saw her eating. It gave him some happiness that she was slowly starting to eat again. They still had a long way to go. But he had the time. He'd make the time for her. He cared about her and wanted her to be happy. Even as she remained under the control of the arena, he wanted her to feel happy and safe. He'd defend her from the guards. From the arena leaders. Even if it meant him getting hurt, or thrown in the arena himself.

For her. He'd risk it.

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