Never Back Down

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Decimus cleaned the wound on Ash's shin gently with rag. Soaking it occassionally in warm water to reduce the discomfort felt by Ash. He gazed to her once her was done cleaning away the blood. She held that quizzical expression once more. "Is something troubling you, Ash?" he inquired, pulling up a chair. He gently moved Ash's leg to rest on his knee, allowing him easier access to be able to stitch the wound that lined her shin. "Nothing really, Decimus. I was just thinking about the way Tremalthios looked at me in the arena. The sneer he wore upon his lips, the unimpressed glare he shot at me. It felt almost like he wanted me to lose. Like he wanted my opponent to slay me. To spray my blood across the sand. Like he wanted me to be the one that was unable to leave the arena. He wants my life. He wants my life to be taken by another in here. Either in the arena... Or by his own hand. He will wait for me to slip up once more before he finds an excuse to have me executed"
A heart had never felt so much pain. Decimus sighed softly, gazing up from the stitches he had been doing in Ash's leg. "Tremalthios hates many, dear. Any who oppose him are subject to his hate. He also hates those who he does not understand. Those with complex minds, desires. He loathes that he cannot understand them. Take it this way, Ash. He doesn't understand you, because you come from such a diverse background. Your creed has been around for many, many years. Your teachings are unique, different to that we have seen before. Your rules, morals and beliefs. They are all different, and the arena doesn't have such things. Though the arena has rules today, they will never be as complex as those you built your life around as you grew up. Tremalthios also has hatred for those that try to do harm to him. Whilst your actions didn't do much harm, he now has a deep rooted hatred for you. But remember this. He can easily be removed from the position he sits in today. If he steps out of line himself, there can be a ruling against his position as a leader here. What I am trying to say is that if he acts against you for no apparent reason, he can be removed"
Ash wasn't given a chance to respond as Tremalthios charged through the door. Having heard what had been said, he wasn't very pleased. Again. His mood had just grown more and more sour. His eyes like fire, were locked on Ash. He did indeed have every intention of killing her, but it wouldn't be so easy. For one person stood between them. And that was Decimus. But having found a place in Ash's heart, she wasn't about to let anything happen to him.
Ash now stood beside Decimus, her eyes on Tremalthios as he eyed the pair. "You" he jabbed a finger in her direction, not caring how close he was to her. "I do not recall giving you permission to be a mounted warrior. Nor do I recall giving you permission to be given a sword to fight with" He then turned his attention to Decimus. "I do not recall even giving YOU permission to have her in your barracks. Know your place, Decimus" hissed the elder, jabbing his finger into the shoulder of Decimus. Ash had her fists clenched at her sides, catching the attention of Tremalthios who once more turned his attention to her.
"Quit with the aggression or I'll have you whipped for your behaviour" The words came out like venom, but Ash didn't move. Nor did she give Tremalthios the reaction he was after. She didn't respond. Just ignored him. Her mind was screaming at her to react. But her heart said No. For Decimus, she remained silent. For him, she didn't lash out. But the silence and ignorance had only angered Tremalthios further. He jabbed her shoulder with his finger. "You know better than to ignore an arena leader, Assassina. Or do you ignore Decimus too?"
That was what snapped something inside of Ash. She just snapped. With a sharp breath, she grabbed Tremalthios' finger, bending it backwards until she heard a snap, followed by Tremalthios' turning pale white. "Never touch me. Or Decimus. Again. I listen to Decimus because he understands and listens to me. I'll fight for him. And I will fight to defend him until my last breath for as long as I can. People like you are the scum of Rome. The scum of Venice. The scum of the whole of Italia! The colloseum would benefit from seeing you within its arena. Fighting on the sand for your life. Do not dare to speak to your warriors the way you have spoken to myself and Decimus. We are the ones that bring in the currency. Speak ill to us. And we will speak ill to you, and do many more things. You train us to kill, and kill we shall" Ash had never spoken under such dark tones. Her voice held such hatred.
Tremalthios narrowed his eyes at her. "You wait, Assassina. Your words and actions here today will not have a savoury outcome" With that he turned and left the barracks, the door closing behind him.

Decimus looked to Ash. Never before had a woman. A warrior. Spoken like that before an arena leader, a general and High Guard members. This girl had a fire in her heart. And he was more than happy to hold it.

[Author's Note: Should Tremalthios die by the hands of Ash and Decimus? Or should he lose his position as an arena leader? Decisions!]

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