A Friend from Russia

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As Ash sat in Griffin's stable, she watched the stallion scratching around, before he walked to her, snorting softly. He nudged her head gently with his nose, bowing his head low enough for her to pet him. He knew when she was off, and he knew exactly how to make her smile again. He neighed softly at her, his head resting against her.

Ash smiled to her stallion, about to stand up to grab his tack, when she noticed Dmitry leaning over the stall door. "Don't listen to him, Ash. He's just stressed right now. But right now, you may not think so, but he does have a point. You cannot go after your father. The Assassins need you. And Griffin and Fyre certainly need you" said Dmitry as he entered the stable and closed the wooden door behind him. He knew all too well that he had to be careful with what he said around Ash. As calm as this situation was, Ash could snap almost instantly and that was something he wanted to avoid.

"There is also another reason for you to avoid going after your father, Ash. The colosseum has opened once more in Rome, and any who are against the Pope, the guards or anyone of high profile, are being sent to the colosseum. People die there Ash. Assassins would be no acception. Think of your horses. Think of your friends. And most importantly. Think of yourself. And don't forget me either" He said the last part with a light-hearted smile. He and Ash had always been close since she arrived, and were close friends. Ash adored his accent, and him. Dmitry also loved Ash's accent. Ash's Italian accent, and Dmitry's Russian accent. They were both perfect, and they loved each other. But accents weren't the only reason they loved each other. Personality played a role. Obviously. And of course, looks had a little role to play too.

With a sigh, Ash looked to Dmitry. "I don't know. My father sent guards to kill me. I'm sure he did. The guards have never randomly attacked me before. I usually have to provoke them for them to attack. Have they really started attacking me on sight now?" said Ash as she stood up to lean against the wooden wall of the stable. Ash would never snap at Dmitry, she just couldn't. So now, she would try and keep her head in this conversation with him.

"The guards have been attacking us on sight for a while now. They seem to be more highly strung now that the colosseum is back. Maybe they just want us to retaliate so that they have a reason to arrest us. Either way, please don't go after your father Ash. Wait for him to come to you. Or come to us. I'm not letting him harm, or kill you. So I'll be with you when we fight him. If he comes that is" said Dmitry as he stepped towards Ash, seeing the tears forming in her eyes. It was rare she cried, but when she did, she had a damn good reason.

Ash felt the tears roll down her cheeks now as Dmitry pulled her into a hug against his chest. "I just hate him so much. He let mum die and threatened me and I just...." she cried as Dmitry held her. He knew the hatred she had for her father, and the hatred he had for her. But he'd never let him get to her. And he'd never let her go alone if she were to go after him. He just couldn't let that happen.

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