Reality Hits Hard

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The morning of Ash's first fight was a dark, stormy one. The skies were dark, the odd flash of lightning it's only feature. The weather gave the arena a dark aura, a very dark one.

As the guards marched to the barracks, Decimus leading them, the warriors within were rushing around to prepare themselves for their fights. Not everyone was competing, but those that were... Those that were would be fighting for their lives.

As Ash emerged from her room, she gave her brother a worried look, tears pricking her eyes. She didn't know who or what she was fighting. All she knew was that it would be under Decimus' orders. The other warriors gave her concerned looks. With Ash being the youngest Gladiatrix they'd seen, they all had the same mind set with her. And that was that Ash shouldn't be in the arena. She shouldn't be fighting for her life. And she shouldn't have to deal with the things she was now.

Before Ash could speak to her brother, Decimus entered the room, his eyes going to Ash. "Assassina. Come with me. Now" he growled, not even trying to be nice to her as he moved her infront of him, walking out behind her. He wasn't lying when he said that Ash was his Gladiatrix and that she had to do as he said without fail.

As Ash walked ahead of Decimus, she cast worried looks at the guards they passed. Earning nothing but glares and laughs in return.

As a single tear rolled down her cheek, she looked back ahead of her once more. Trying to stay strong.

Who was she kidding. She wasn't strong. No one in here cared. The Assassins were hated, and they always would be. She was just another cog in the workings of the arena now. The only difference was that she was the cog that they wanted to keep there for as long as possible. They'd bleed her for entertainment. They'd bleed her for entertainment...

Right until her last breath.

[Authors Note: This part is sorta short. I'm sorry this isn't getting updated as much anymore. It's not that I don't have stuff to write, I do. It's just that Ash's character is sorta sad. And I have to maintain that]

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