Fire And Compassion

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The walk to the stables had been quiet. Ash had shuffled closer to Decimus, the chill of the air cold against her skin. As they turned the corner to the stables, a group of guards stopped to look at them. Tension filled the air. The unmistakeable sound of swords being removed from their sheaths. "A gladiatrix is out of the barracks. We had orders to slay that one if she was out again. Stand aside Decimus" growled the leader of the group, advancing on the pair.
Decimus shifted himself infront of Ash. "How dare you unsheathe your blade before me. And how dare you advance on me" he roared, drawing his own blade. "Sheathe your blade brother. Assassina is with me. Leave her be. You have no business being in the stables" A smirk crossed the face of the guard. "Oh, I do have business here. It is you who doesn't Decimus. Now step aside. I've got an assassin to slay. Always wanted to kill an assassin" he smirked, charging at Decimus and Ash.
A scream came from Ash as the pair collided before her, she backed up in fear. Unknowingly backing up into the arms of two guards that had shifted behind her. "Decimus!" she screamed, tears pricking her eyes. Her heart screamed at her to fight back. To fight for Decimus. To fight to get the guards off of her. But their grip was stronger than she was. Decimus' eyes darted to Ash, seeing her in the hands of the guards. "You dare lay your blades on her. I will slay you where you stand" he growled lowly, shoving the guard away from him with his sword. "You threaten her when she has done nothing wrong. You threaten me when I am above you in ranking. I can have you slain for disobedience to a general. Do not threaten my warriors. And most certainely not Assassina"
The guard merely smirked. "I can order my men to kill her. What's stopping that from happening as you argue with me. Pathetic, Decimus. You're defending a prisoner. An assassin. We've been after them for years! Now we have one in out hands and we can slay her where she stands! Why are you not taking that opportunity?" he snapped, shoving Decimus away from him with a sharp hit to the head with the hilt of his sword. Breaking the skin on Decimus' eyebrow.
Ash screamed as she saw the hit. "Decimus!" she cried out, trying to pull away from the guards who held her arms. Their grip was beginning to hurt. Decimus winced at the pain that shot through his new wound. "You really shouldn't have done that" He relentlessly swung at the guard before him, needing to end this now before it escalated any further. Kicking the guard to the ground, he stood over him. The sword pressed to the chest of the guard. "For the last time, Assassina is with me. She may be an assassin.... But she's my assassin. And I do this for her" he thrust his sword through the chest of the guard, before turning and launching two throwing knives into the heads of the guards that held Ash.
As they fell, he ran to Ash. Pulling her into a hug against his chest, one hand on the back of her head gently as the other remained on her back. He bowed his head against hers, just keeping her close. He said he'd protect her. That he'd defend her. And he had done just that. And he'd do it again. For the first time, she hugged him back; pressing her head against his chest for a second, before lifting her head to look up at him. "You're bleeding" she murmured, her eyes still teary.
Decimus wiped his head with a gloved hand. "It's nothing, he never could do anymore damage than just a little cut. Did they hurt you?" he asked, looking over her arms. Ash gave a gentle smile, "They didn't get the chance"
Decimus smiled softly in return, hugging her once more. And she returned it. He'd saved her. The more time she spent with him, the more she liked his company. He was becoming important. Maybe he did feel like more than just a friend. Just maybe.

[Author's Note: I couldn't help it. I was listening to John Legend-All of Me whilst writing this part, and it made me really think about Decimus and Ash as a pair. And I really couldn't help that bit towards the end of this part. They are kinda cute as a couple. I gotta admit that]

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