Trusting Him

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Decimus glanced back at Ash as he cleared away the breakfast plates. She was watching him quietly, her scarred face holding more emotion than it had just minutes earlier. Something was on her mind, he could just see it in her eyes. Niero was right, she never had been good at hiding her emotions. "Something bothering you, Ash?" he asked softly, moving over to her. Crouching infront of her, still managing to be face to face with her. He was fairly tall at 6'2, and Ash being 5'3. Meaning when he crouched to her whilst she was seated, he could easily remain face to face with her.
"Am I still a mounted warrior in the arena?" she asked, looking away for a second before looking to Decimus once more. He could tell there was some work to be done here. Just the way she said 'mounted', sent a small hint of pain through his heart. "You are, but we can work on getting your confidence back today. Remember, Mischief and Onyx are trained. They wouldn't hurt you intentionally" he said softly, taking her hands in his, squeezing softly. "Your hands are freezing" he murmured quietly, mostly to himself. He let go of her hands for a moment to grab a pair of leather gloves for her, slipping them onto her hands. "Try to keep warm" he said softly, standing. He offered his arm to her. "Come. We'll go to the horses. I'll stay with you"
Ash stood hesitantly, hooking her arm slightly around Decimus' arm. "Why are you being like this" she murmured, hoping those words wouldn't get a harsh reaction. All they earned though, was a sigh. "Many reasons, really. Ash, I came here when I was 20 years old. Within the first 2 years of being here, I'd made myself known as one of the most notorious men here. I'd pushed away my own family, friends, girlfriend. Everyone because I was too focused on my work. My girlfriend took our daughter with her when she left. I don't see her that often. You remind me a lot of her. But you have many similar qualities to another woman in my life too. When we first met, I did what I had to do in order to get you here. Now, I only wish for you to be free. You are too young and innocent to be here. You've been through things and seen things, that I would never wish upon someone as young as yourself. The arena has stolen a lot from you. I merely want to give back to you what I can. Whilst I cannot bring Niero back, I can do my best to do what he did. I want to protect you. I want to make sure you earn your freedom. And if I am able, I will leave with you. The arena has taken too much... It really has" sighed Decimus softly, glancing to Ash, a small twinkle in his eye.
"I do have to apologise though, Ash. When we first met. I hurt you, and for that. I am terribly sorry. There are no excuses for what I did, and there are no words I can say to take it back. All I can do, is ask that you forgive me for my actions" Ash stopped him from speaking further, flinching her arm in his to get his attention. "I forgive you. But you don't need to ask for forgiveness from me" she gazed up at him, trying to hide the nerves.
Decimus watched her for a second. "Ash, I.."

"You already had it" murmured Ash, looking up at him once more. She'd forgiven him a while ago. Just never found the words to say it.

[Author's Note: Honestly, these two are adorable. Decimus really cares about Ash. He just wants her to be free. And she cares about him now too. I'm so attached to these two now :'(]

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