The Promise

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Ash jolted awake with a gasping breath. Shooting upright in the bed. She gazed around, panic in her eyes before finally calming as she saw Niero dozing on the chair across the room. Rubbing her eyes, she shifted from the bed, pulling the small blanket across it neatly. Before walking to her brother. "Niero?" she murmured, "You're fighting today, aren't you?" she murmured once more. Trying not to show the fear in her voice. Niero hadn't fought for a few weeks, and this was one of the biggest events. It was the day the arena had originally opened, and it was being celebrated with mass brawls and huge main fights. Niero, was in one of them.
Niero opened his eyes to look at Ash, already he could see the fear in her eyes. And hear it in her voice. He knew she'd tried to hide the fear, but after all these years, he knew she wouldn't be able to. As much as she tried, she never was good at hiding her emotions. "Yes, Ash. I'll be fighting today, I got mum watching over me. Like I always said, remember? Mum watches over us daily" he said softly, watching his younger sister. "Be careful out there Niero. You're all I've got in here" whispered Ash, unable to speak louder as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Niero cupped her cheek gently. "I'll be careful" he said softly, wrapping his arms around her gently when Ash hugged him tightly. Feeling tears in his eyes, he tightened his arms around her. "Be brave, Ash. You'll be watching today. Just stay strong, ok? And if anything happens. Just remember that I love you, and mum watches over you. I'm proud of you, and I'm sure she is too" Ash nodded against Niero's chest, not wanting to leave her brother's arms. She never wanted to leave his arms. They were safe. He was safe. He always had been.

They were quickly ushered out of the room as the High Guard disturbed them to take Niero away. He had to be prepared for battle. He cast a smile at Ash, before he was led away. Leaving her to be taken to the viewing area. It all happened so quickly. The High Guard didn't mess around when it came to getting people where they needed to be. Ash, Maximus and the other warriors were quickly led to the viewing area. Decimus beckoning Ash to sit beside him on the front row. "Your brother fights today, doesn't he?" he sighed softly, watching Ash. "I wish him the best of luck. But his opponents... They won't go easy on him. He's up against 2 men who were High Guards here. They'll have swords. Your brother will have a small dagger. But I wish your brother the best of luck Assassina. He's a good man. And a great brother. I heard him talking to you, and I heard of what you two were like growing up. If he were my son, I'd be very proud of him. And I know you are too"
Ash nodded quietly to what he was saying, her eyes locked on the arena as her brother entered. He gazed up at her, smiling reassuringly. "I love you" he mouthed, smiling once more as she nodded and mouthed it back to him. Seconds later, the battle started.

The High Guard charged at Niero, attempting to take him to the ground instantly. Failing as Niero managed to dodge out of the way just in time. Giving him a second of a chance to leap onto one of their backs, dragging his dagger across the shoulders. Blood spraying him as he did so. The now wounded guard threw Niero off of him onto the dirt, stamping on the gladiators forearm of the hand that held the blade. Forcing Niero to release the weapon with a pained cry. He kicked his legs out, trying to force the guard away from him as he quickly grabbed his dagger once more. Scrambling to his feet, instantly having to dodge the charging guards once more. Dodging one, whilst the other tackled him. Taking him to the ground. The guard delivered several hard punches to Niero's chest, then his mouth. Blood running from the area.
Growling through the blood, Niero quickly raised his dagger to stab the guard in the chest. Forcing the man off of him and onto the dirt as he delivered the killing blow to one of the opponents. Leaving just one standing. This was the final stand. Niero got to his feet, stumbling slightly as he spat blood onto the ground. His chest burned. His face hurt. A feeling of dread starting to sink in his stomach. But he'd fight on. Knowing Ash was watching.
The final opponent gave an almightly battle cry as he charged at Niero, sword drawn before him as he ran at the younger man. Niero scrambled to grab the discarded sword of the fallen guard, raising it just in time to clash with the guard. "Your sister is watching right now. Isn't she?" he smirked, forcing his blade harder against that which Niero held. Niero didn't respond, too focused on trying to force the attacker off of him. The guard merely grunted, raising his foot to kick Niero in the stomach, forcing the younger away. Niero coughed and gasped as he was kicked backwards, his eyes instantly going back to the guard who was charging at him again. With a quick second of thought, Niero threw his dagger into the shoulder of the guard. Embedding it deep in the flesh, earning a nasty angered snarl from his opponent.
The guard charged once more. Relentlessly swinging his sword at Niero, clashing blades each time. But he could see Niero tiring. The younger was losing blood, and was struggling to breathe more and more with each passing second. With an almightly cry, the guard delivered a harsh blow to Niero's side, his blade entering the flesh. Blood spraying out from the wound. Painting the arena sand red. The younger fell to his knees, blood cascading from his side as the guard shoved him onto his back. Punching his face and throat, just to do more damage to ensure Niero wouldn't stand again, before walking away with a sick pleased smirk.

A scream echoed from the stands as a flash of lightning crossed the sky. Followed by Ash leaping into the arena, a dust cloud forming where she landed. She ran to Niero's side, skidding in the dirt as tears streamed down her cheeks. "No. No. Niero!" she cried, pressing her hands to her brother's side, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. "I failed my promise" whispered Niero, as he cupped Ash's cheek weakly. "Be strong Ash. I'll watch over you. I love you" he whispered once more. He squeezed Ash's hand until he grip grew weaker. "Niero!" screamed Ash. "Niero!" she screamed again as the grip of Niero's hand faded. She collapsed against his chest, hugging her brother as the rain began to fall. Washing the blood from her fallen brother's face. "Niero" she whimpered again. "Wake up brother. Wake up" she whispered, desperatly pleading. Her hand on his cheek as guards approached to take the body away. "Go away! Go away!" she screamed, clinging onto her brother. "Leave me alone! Leave him alone!!" she screamed. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she hugged her brother.
The rain grew heavier as Ash remained by her brother's side. The crowd had silenced, watching the scene before them. Ash's heartbreak and reaction to the events had silenced all but the one who had slain her brother. She remained as she was. Hugging her brother's chest as his body grew cold. Her body shivered as she cried, refusing to let go of her brother.

No one had the heart to move her. Not even the High Guard.

[Author's Note: I cried. A lot. Writing this part]

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