Warrior Blood

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"May we take my training to the main yard today? I would like to see my fellow warriors, Decimus. It has been a while, and they have not seen me since the fight with Tremalthios" inquired Ash as she gripped the reins of Onyx and Mischief at her sides. She wanted to work with both horses, and had every intention of using both horses for something that had been on her mind since her last fight. "Yes, we can go to the main yard. But I would like for you to be aware of the other warriors at all times. I hear that Tremalthios spoke to them before he came to us. He may have spoken untruthful to them. Be aware of that" he replied, helping her into the saddle of Onyx. She nodded, gazing down at the saddle for a moment. "He spoke untruthful every day. All of his words were untruthful. The only truth he may have spoken was that he wanted to kill me" said Ash, watching as the guards ahead moved aside for her to pass through with the 2 horses and Decimus.
As they turned the corner to enter the main yard, they were greeted by Aleius and the other warriors. "Ah, Assassina. Joining us today?" he asked, gently stroking Onyx' nose, before giving Mischief a pat on the neck. "My apologies Sir. I will be working with Onyx and Mischief today. I asked Decimus if I could see the other warriors. Would that be ok with you Sir?" asked Ash, giving a bow of her head in respect. "Of course, Assassina. But please, be quick" replied the leader, motioning to the other warriors.
Ash trotted the horses over to the small group. A pain flashing through her heart as her brother no longer stood with them. "It has been a while. Decimus wanted me to remain with him after what has happened. And I gladly welcome all he has done so far. It was brought to my attention though. Tremalthios spoke to you guys before he came to myself and Decimus. He may have spoken some false words. About what I have said and done. All I have done is grieve for my brother and wish my life was taken instead. All I've had to do is heal. Or at least try to before I am to fight again within the arena" The other warriors listened quietly as Ash spoke. "You do not need to explain yourself to us, Ash.  Tremalthios spoke of you, yes. But we knew he lied. Your grieve for your brother. We know you did, and still do. He said you had forgotten the man the second the funeral ended. But we know it to be false. He said you wished to fight us all, but we know that too, to be false. For Niero told us, before his last fight. Niero said that you had spoken of never fighting any who walked the same barracks as you. And for that, we are forever grateful to not have to go up against you in battle" It had been Maximus who had spoken. He had been Niero's closest friend, and the one that had been asked to care for Ash whenever he needed to. Just seeing Ash again, and seeing her looking well, had restored his faith that she would earn her freedom.
Ash was about to speak once more when Aleius came up beside her and Onyx; "My apologies Assasina, but I must return my warriors to training. If you like, later on today. You can have lunch with them" He spoke with a smile, watching as Ash gave a nod. "I'd like that, thank you Sir" She then turned Onyx and Mischief away. Trotting to the far side of the arena as Decimus jogged beside her and the horses.
"Ash, whilst the other warriors are grateful for you not wanting to go up against them in the arena. You are all of the same blood now. Here, the warriors have been known to call it 'Warrior Blood'. Bound by the daily routines of the arena, the triumphs, the losses. You are bound by it all. And it runs through your blood now. They consider you as one of their own. You are a warrior, and you are bound by blood to the people within the barracks. In the end, you all share the same kind of fate" said Decimus softly, watching as Ash trotted the horses in a circle.
"I am proud to be of 'Warrior Blood' and I am now proud to wear the scars brought by it. Much has happened, but it merely moulds us into stronger people. A Warrior is not phased by the sword. Nor is he phased by the crowds that call his name. A Warrior is formed by the life blood of the arena itself. The atmosphere. The sights. Everything here moulds a Warrior. And to be told I am considered of 'Warrior Blood' feels most honourable" commented Ash, turning the horses to face Decimus once more.
Hearing Ash speak in such a manner had brought a smile to his face. "And it is an honour you are most deserving of. It is also an honour to have you at my side, Ash" smiled Decimus, his words holding ever so much love for the girl before him.

[Author's Note: Sleepy writing. Wonderful isn't it? When I'm on a roll though, I can write forever. Even if I'm sleepy, I'll keep going because I feel so connected to the characters and what's going on. I could've kept this part going for a lot longer, but it had to end somewhere before it got way too long!]

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