Last Chance Gladiatrix

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Ash limped back towards the barracks. The High Guard walking with swords drawn behind her. "I'm not gonna do anything" she half whimpered, half whispered. The guards merely snorted. "Just know this, Assassina. You won't be competing for a while. The leaders like having you here. Though you should really be dead at this point. But this is your last chance anyway" snorted the eldest as he shoved Ash through the doorway of the barracks.
As she stumbled through the doorway, she flashed a harsh glare back at the guards. Earning an equally nasty snarl in return which quickly led to her averting her eyes downwards. She dreaded to think of what Decimus had to say. He'd remained quiet during her outburst, but had been held back whilst Tremalthios had fought her. Or more, attacked her in return for attacking him. The atmostphere had changed a lot. Just like the attitudes had.
The other warriors had already returned to the barracks, their eyes going to Ash as she was shoved inside. "Ash" whispered Niero as he ran to his sister. Pulling her into a hug against his chest. He held her against him, his arms tight around her; being careful to not hurt her. Tears pricked his eyes as no verbal response was given from his sister. This had been the thing to break her. She knew this was her last chance now. And with it being her last chance. She either had to earn her freedom or escape. Earning her freedom was one of the most unlikely things now though as she remained atop the list of warriors for the most required fighters. She appeared to be a crowd favourite after only one fight, but the story fo who she was had reached the crowds. And now they wanted more of her. Some wanted her to die. Some wanted her to win and earn her freedom as a protector of Venice and Rome. The Assassins were well known, Ash too. So having an Assassin in the arena was a 'seat filler'. If Ash gained her freedom, the colloseum could lose its 'fans'. Making Ash all the more of a required fighter.

"It's my last chance. I need to escape. They won't let me go free of this place" whispered Ash, not lifting her head from her brothers' chest. "I need to get out of here. I need to get to Dmitry and the Assassins. Come with me. Please, Niero" whimpered Ash now, tears cascading from her eyes as she finally lifted her head to look into her brothers' eyes. "If I stay, they'll kill me. Either father, Tremalthios or the High Guard. They'll all kill me. We need to escape" she cried quietly, pressing her head once more to Niero's chest.
Niero had never seen Ash this upset since their mum died. He knew they had to escape now. He'd knew for a while, but Ash had pushed the idea further. And now they needed to find a way to escape before he or Ash were killed.

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