From The Heart

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Decimus returned his gaze to Ash. The silence within the barracks was deafening, and if he didn't break it soon, he felt as though it would overwhelm them both. "Ash, speak. For I know something is troubling your mind. Please. Speak so as I may understand what it is you are thinking" His voice was pleading, his heart was pleading. Pleading for Ash to speak. How had this girl managed to tug on his heart strings so. How had she managed to take his heart; hold it with her own. It still came as a shock to him. And he felt as though it always would for as long as he was beside her.
"Tremalthios. What does he mean when he says, 'You wait, Assassina'. The words I have heard so many times before from friends, from family. All within the arena. It has been a year since I arrived within these bleak walls. I have heard words such as his many times, but they seem to ring more prominently in my mind when he speaks them. I fear he will come after me as I sleep. I fear he will come after you as a result of our new-found closeness. Maybe he saw through the facade we put on to hide what was real. I refuse to bow to what he wants. And I refuse to ignore the one I wish to most close to. I do not wish for him to target you, Decimus, for my actions. My actions alone are what will cause us the most grief. He seeks to pull us apart, to take you from me and once more return me into the very barracks where my demise is waiting. I do not wish for us to be separated. It is you who has prevented me from hurting. You who has prevented so much pain from coming once more. Tremalthios sees this, and wants to take it all away. I do not wish for it to happen. I can not allow to happen" Her words, like arrows imbedded in a target, pierced the heart of Decimus. It had been many years since he had been spoken about in such a manner. Such words of willingness to defend and never be parted from him had never been spoken with such passion. Ash was willing to defend him, like he had defended her. She was willing to throw herself on the line, just to be with him. She felt as though if she were returned to the barracks, her demise would be waiting for her amidst the darkness. She felt as though he was her only means of safety. But he heard more than that within her words. He heard the emotion. The longing to remain by his side.
Decimus gave a gentle smile, beckoning Ash to come closer as he stood from his seat across the room. He watched as she limped ever so slightly towards him, and when she was close enough. He gently drew her to him, taking her hands in his gently. "A heart so tortured, yet so pure. A heart so scarred by loss, yet it is still so willing to love and protect. Dearest Assassina, your willingness to defend and protect is most inspiring. Tremalthios will not get close enough to do you harm, dear. For I will not allow him to do so. Only once before have I ever held a heart in mine, but the love I felt did not feel valid deep in my heart. I have never had someone as willing as you to protect and defend my life. As we stand here, my heart only grows more willing to love and protect you as you are willing for me. Ash, it would be an honour to protect and defend you for as long as I am able. It would be an honour to hold your heart within my own, and to keep you safe from Tremalthios. He will not be given an opportunity to get to you, my dear. I won't allow it"
"And I will not allow it either. I would not forgive myself if you ever became wounded" murmured Ash, gazing up at him. Her eyes lit up when she gazed at him, she would glow as though he was the sun; shining upon her. "Nor would I" replied Decimus softly, drawing her to his chest. Resting his head upon hers as he held her close.

[Author's Note: Nice to have a good chat, eh? I'm back to writing after a night off to catch up on sleep. Not that I really slept well since I was woken up at 1am and didn't get back to sleep until after 3am. *sigh* Oh well. Back to writing I go!]

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