You Can't Fight Him

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Ezio sighed when Ash had finished speaking. He was having this talk with her again for the 3rd time within 2 weeks. He knew she listened, and he knew she did. He just couldn't understand why she always asked to go after her father, when she knew the answer would be no. With a shake of his head, Ezio led Ash to his office at the back of the den. Sitting her in the seat on the right side of his desk, before he sat on the left to speak to her.

"Ash. We've had this conversation 3 times now within the past 2 weeks, and I don't want to have this conversation again. You cannot, and will not be going after your father. He has far too much to hold against you, and he has far too much to take away from you. Remember the last time you tried to fight him, Ash? He took away the one thing we knew you loved. Do you remember him now? Sentinel? Your horse? I've seen Sentinel around the city, he belongs to the guards now Ash, and that is because you went off to fight your father with Sentinel. You weren't thinking beyond your own revenge Ash. In going after your father, you lost your own horse. You didn't think about the consequences of taking him with you. And you didn't think about the consequences of going out there alone. I shouldn't have to talk to you like this Ash. You're not a child anymore. Not a young one anyway. You're 17 now Ash. You need to start thinking for yourself. Smart thinking, Ash. Not this senseless and careles thinking you've been doing the past few weeks. We know you want to go after your father, but we won't be allowing that to happen. Not now. Not ever. You're injured, and we aren't going to be letting you go out of the den without permission now. The only things you may leave the den for are to care for your horses, Griffin and Fyre. They still need you, regardless of your physical condition. And I hope you have enough food for your horses today. Supplies are running low as it is, and we cannot afford to keep going out into the city for these supplies. Ration them if you have to, just make sure they're well fed, and we won't have a problem. Am I understood Ash? And Ash, think about this. How do you think your death would affect Griffin and Fyre if your father killed you?"

Ezio hadn't given Ash a chance to retaliate against any of what he was saying to her, for he didn't want to hear her childish responses. Her responses only became childish when she felt strongly about something, and her response would've been childish had she been given a chance to give one.

Ash looked down at her legs for a moment, biting back the comments that flashed into her mind. "I understand sir" she mumbled, standing from her seat to go and feed her horses. Ezio had got her there. She loved her horses, and would go to hell and back for them. She really would. Ezio knew the bond she had with her horses, and he knew that he'd got her full attention the second he mentioned Griffin and Fyre.

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