Hatred of The Guards

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Now 17 years old, Ash remained within the Assassin Brotherhood. Her father's hatred for her never stopped, and probably never will. As Ash trained by the river, she could feel eyes burning into her back. It wasn't unusual for an Assassin to feel this. But when you're the daughter of a guard, feeling eyes burning into you was most certainely going to be bad news.

Before she could turn to investigate, she heard a slight snap sound, followed by a searing pain in her side. She gasped slightly, moving her hand to her side. The instant wetness of blood made her cringe, sending a wave of nausea over her. "Oh God no" she whimpered under her breath, seeing the head of an arrow lodged in her side. Her eyes shot to the left of her, seeing a guard leaping down from a rooftop, a crossbow in his hand. ~So it was him~ she thought as she pressed her hand to her side, blood running endlessly down her leg and over her hand.

"I'll kill you!" she screamed after the guard as he disappeared through the crowded streets, before she doubled over in pain. "For crying out loud" she mumbled, standing up as straight as she could, before she started walking back towards the den.

Concerned citizens watched her as she stumbled every few steps. Some trying to offer aid that she refused as kindly as possible. She didn't want the people of Venice to think of her as a rude and arrogant Assassin, so she had to be as kind as possible when she refused things from them.

Once she arrived back at the den, she pushed the heavy door open as much as she could, before sliding through the gap. The leaders looked at her, confusion in their eyes for a moment, before they saw the wound in her side. Ezio, the leader of the Assassins, moved Ash's hand from the wound to look at it. Without a word, he motioned to another Assassin, Sef, to get the medical supplies.

Sef grabbed the supplies, as much as he hated to do so. He wasn't a fan of Ash, and he never would be. His hatred for the guards was undying, just like his hatred for the blood of guards. And to Sef, Ash was the blood of guards since she came from an all guard family. To him, she was scum, and he couldn't care less if she lived or died.  He was as heartless as they came, and the den leaders didn't like it one bit.

The leaders preached peace among the Assassins. But when it came to disciplining those who did anything to their brothers and sisters within the Brotherhood, the leaders struggled. But maybe they wouldn't struggle so much after they saw what went through the minds of people like Sef.

Ezio treated Ash's wound quickly with precision and care. He glanced up at Ash's face whilst he treated her wound, he knew she had something to say, so he nodded to give her permission to speak. "My father sent guards after me again. Archers on the rooftops as I merely stood beside the river for a rest after my run. I stood for less than 5 minutes and he shot at me. My father is sending men out to kill me because he cannot do anything for himself. He cannot wield a blade so he sends out men to do his job for him. I'm his daughter. Or at least I thought I was. Now I'm nothing but an enemy to him. An enemy he feels he must kill. Please Ezio. I'm begging you to let me go after my father. He will kill me if I don't" said Ash, practically begging her leader to let her go after a high ranked General.

Ezio watched Ash as she spoke. They would need to have a conversation about this. It seemed he would need to explain to her why he wouldn't be letting her go after her father.

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