Guarding His Jouster

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Ash had spent the night wrapped in the arms of Decimus. His strong arms protectively around her throughout the darkness. As morning came, he woke, mentally deciding that he would be going with Ash to her training today. If Caeser was to make any aggressive moves towards her other than those outlined by jousting. He would personally step in to deal with the man himself.
As Ash prepared her horse with the armour, Decimus walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her gently. "I will accompany you today to your training. If Caeser tries anything again, I will deal with him" He rested his head on her shoulder as he spoke, just hugging her as he did so. Ash merely nodded ever so slightly. "He will try and unhorse me. Over and over again. And when he does. He sneers and makes comments. But when I unhorse him, I try and remain curteous. He will get angry. He will snap, and snarl. And so will Cassius. But Cassius will not intentionally harm me, Decimus. Caeser is the one you need to watch"
"I will watch him, dear" replied Decimus softly, feeling Ash tense in his arms. Even through her armour, he could feel her shaking. She was nervous, and it worried him. With a sigh, Ash turned in the arms of her love. "Decimus, please be aware of one thing. This is jousting. I will be unhorsed. I will take hard hits, and I will get hurt. Caesre just likes to hurt a little more than the others. He chases down opponents if he is unhappy with the result. In training yesterday, we drew. Eleven to eleven. He was angry. Be wary of his anger" she smiled lightly, before kissing the lips of Decimus. He returned the kiss, passion pouring from him as he shared this moment with his love. If it weren't for her armour, and the fact that she had to be somewhere, he would've taken this further.
As they broke from the kiss, he gave her a loving smile, before giving her a leg up onto her shire. Walking alongside her as they headed out to the arena. He followed her to the right side of the rail, standing near the wall after giving her her helmet.
Lexus, Alaricus, Caeser and Cassius watched Ash enter with Decimus. The elder looked ready to snap anyone's neck that got too close to him, or to Ash. Cassius knew that Decimus' presence was the result of yesterday's events. He cast a look to Caeser. "Step out of line with Ash today, Caeser. And you will be on the receiving end of that man, Decimus. He, is Ash's trainer, and lover, or so I have heard. Hurt her, and he will hurt you. I am sure Ash has spoken to him about jousting, so you have some room for impact, but do not repeat your actions from yesterday"
Caeser snorted. "What? Just because she has brought along a man does not mean I will hold back, Cassius. If she harms me, I will aim to harm her in return. And if Decimus gets involved, I will hurt him too. And so on, and so forth" The attitude of the man hadn't changed, he remained bloodthirsty. And still had a willingness to harm Ash.
"That attitude is poisonous, Caeser. Do not judge that man by how he looks, and do not judge his potential to harm you based on what you do to Ash. He will not hold back, Caeser. Aleius spoke to me prior to us coming here. Decimus killed the second in command of the arena for attempting to kill Ash. Do not think he will not do the same to you"
Caeser merely rolled his eyes again, moving his horse over to the rail. Again, it was him that would be up against Ash. The pair lined up their horses, Ash looking nervous, and catching the attention of Cassius. "Assassina! It's just you and his shield. Remember how well you jousted yesterday!" he called, his arms folded across his chest. Ash merely nodded before kicking the shire, charging down the rail. Ash instantly struck his shield, shattering her lance, earning 5 point straight away.
Decimus watched the reaction of Caeser, the way he threw his lance to the ground. The sneer he gave Ash, the death glare he gave her.
The pair approached the rail again for the second pass, both striking their opponents shield, and earning 1 point each. "Wanted to unhorse the little bitch" grumbled Caeser as he trotted past Cassius. The man merely shook his head at Caeser. He never listened. Again, the jousters turned down the rail. Charging towards one another. Caeser got what he wanted. Striking Ash's shield with such force that she was dazed by the impact. Hitting the ground instantly.
Decimus ran to her, seeing that she didn't get up. "Get away from that jouster! You don't mess with a fallen jouster!" snapped Caeser from behind the rail. Decimus gritted his teeth as Cassius ran to him and Ash. The jouster crouching to Ash. "Assassina. You know where you are? Who we are?" he asked, lifting the front of her helmet. "Arena. Cassius, jouster. Decimus, boyfriend" Cassius nodded, allowing Decimus to help Ash to her feet. "Ignore Caeser" he muttered to her, before helping her back into the saddle again.
The next 5 passes went by without an unhorsing. With Ash earning a further 15 points for 3 broken lances. And two misses. Whilst Caeser earned 10 points for two broken lances, and 3 misses. The final pass was the one that would determine the winner of this joust. As the pair lined up along the rail, Ash gave Decimus a slightly nervous look. She could feel the intense hatred from Caeser. Seconds later, the pair charged towards one another. This time, Ash gave a harsh impact, unhorsing Caeser. Earning a loud, nasty growl from him.
He began to approach Ash from behind as she dismounted her horse, a lance in his grip as he was preparing to attack. Fire in his eyes.
As he drew closer, he drew the lance back, preparing to swing into Ash's ribs. She turned, eyes wide as she saw Caeser with the lance. Before she could react, the lance connected harshly with her side. Forcing her to the ground with the impact. Of course the armour could take this kind of hit, but it definitely shook up the body inside said armour. Ash let out a whimper of pain, followed by a cough as she lay on her side on the ground. Just trying to steady her breathing as Caeser raised the lance again to strike her once more. But before he could strike, Decimus grabbed the man from behind. Applying pressure to his neck, forcing him to the ground. "That kind of attack isn't part of jousting. Impacts like that are common during a joust. But not after one. You hurt the one I love because she unhorses you. Is that not part of the sport in which you ride? Get out of my sight, Caeser. Next time you touch Ash, I will slay you"
Of course he hadn't let Caeser get away unharmed. Once he had finished speaking, he beat the man with broken pieces of Ash's lance and watched him limp away. Before he crouched to Ash's side, removing her helmet with care. "That one hurt" she whimpered, a hand clamped to her side. The armour had prevented the worst possible injury, but she had still been shaken up a little. The initial shock causing waves of pain to pass over her.
"Decimus, I recommend taking her back to your barracks. Myself and the other jousters will need to speak about Caeser's position here. He cannot be around Ash, it seems. And I offer my deepest apologies for his actions" said Cassius, bowing his head in respect of Decimus, before taking his leave.
Decimus pulled Ash into his arms. Carrying her back towards the barracks, not phased by how heavy the armour made her. He'd carry her whenever he had to.
Even when he grew old and weary. He would carry her.

[Authors Note: Let's see if you can see where I started getting sleepy! Na, it's where Decimus just beats Caeser with Ash's broken lance. More later once I've slept]

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