Understanding Leader

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Once Ash was done working with Onyx and Mischief, she silently turned the pair to head back to the stables. Seeing the other warriors today had left her once more with memories of her brother. Memories of how he no longer stood with them. With a sigh, she slid from the saddle. Resting her head against the neck of Onyx as Mischief wrapped his head around her slightly. As she did so, Decimus walked up behind her. Patting Mischief's neck so as not to startle the stallion.
"Ash. Aleius would like to speak with you alone for a moment. I will take the horses back to their stalls, and wait for you there. Then we can take a walk for some time alone" he said gently, taking the lead of Mischief, before taking the reins of Onyx. "Aleius isn't mad at you, he would just like to check up on you, so to speak. Better he hear it from yourself than me, dear" he smiled softly. "Come here" he smiled reassuringly, motioining with his head for her to come to him. "It'll be ok" He spoke softly, knowing she now felt nervous. She wrapped her arms around his torso, bowing her head to his chest. "I know... It's just that he will mention Niero. And I do not wish to cry before Aleius. Every mention of my brother hurts my heart" she murmured. "It will do, love. He is your brother. You have every right to mourn and be upset at his passing. Now go on, Aleius is waiting. I will be here when you return" With that, he kissed her lips softly, before departing to return the horses to their stalls. Aleius had seen the small exchange between the pair, understanding that Ash was nervous about speaking to him without Decimus at her side. "Do not worry, Assassina. I mean you no harm. I would just like to speak with you. Come. Let us seek warmth for the evening draws closer"
The elder led Ash to a cosy room usually used for meetings of high ranking officers. It would be more comfortable and warm than the barracks. He led her inside, motioning to two comfortable red chairs set near a fireplace. "Take a seat, Assassina" He smiled reassuringly, offering her a drink as he did so, frowning slightly when she turned down his offer kindly.
"Assassina, I would like to begin by offering my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother, Niero. He often spoke of you. I am truly sorry for your loss, Assassina" said Aleius softly, watching Ash. Watching how her eyes glazed with tears. How her lips formed a faint frown. "Thank you for your condolences, Sir. Niero meant a lot to me, and having Decimus around when he passed was comforting. I miss Niero a lot. He did so much for me when we were children. He took me with him away from our father. Our father is a horrid man. I fear he will come after me now that he believes no one is around to defend me. But he is wrong. Decimus has said he will protect me, but at the same time. I do not wish for him to get hurt. Decimus means a lot to me now" she murmured, not looking up at Aleius. Usually, leaders with such status as Aleius would get angry at no eye contact. But he allowed it with Ash. Leaning forwards to rest his hand upon hers in a comforting manner. "Decimus is a good man, Assassina. And I am pleased you two have found each other. Normally, we do not allow guards to have relationships with our warriors. But I am allowing it for you and Decimus. He is good for you, and from what I have seen recently. He comforts you a lot. I see the way he looks at you, and the way he speaks to you. It has been many years since I have seen him smile the way he does around you. And you, yourself Assassina. I have not seen you closer to a man since you arrived here over a year ago now. His love is healing, it seems. Remain with him, Assassina. And disregard what Tremalthios said to you. You are allowed to stay with Decimus in the private barracks, and you are allowed to use the horses. As a mounted warrior, it is a necessity. Is it not?" he smiled, watching Assassina.
"One last thing Assassina before we must end our little meeting. Niero left a sword with me when he first arrived. He asked that I pass it to you should anything ever happen to him. The blade is carved with a line from the lullaby your mother used to sing. He always said that there was some comfort in death. And that is why he had the line engraved within the blade itself. Keep it close Assassina, for it is now yours, and no one can take it from you" smiled Aleius, before handing the sword to Ash, watching as she traced the blade with a finger as a single tear fell. "Can I go to Decimus, Sir?" she murmured, feeling tears in her eyes once more.
"You may. I will escort you to prevent any of my guards taking the sword from you. Place it in its sheath at your waist. Protect such a beautiful thing with the leather that keeps it safe" He strapped the belt and sheath around her waist gently, before placing the sword at her side. "Niero always said it would look perfect at your side. He was certainely a brother to be proud of, Assassina"

"I was proud of him. I still am"

[Author's Note: Aleius is one of the most understanding men in the arena. Despite being the one that has ruling over all warriors, and shouldn't pick favourites, he definitely has a soft spot for Ash. He was close to Niero, so it is fitting that he is close to Ash aswell, is it not?]

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