A Fight To Remember (Graphic)

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Tremalthios let out an angered snarl as he caught Ash mid-jump. He slammed her hard against the ground, his hand clamped around her throat. "Attacking an arena elder is punishable by death" he spat, tightening his grip on her throat. Ash merely growled. "You chose to speak of my brother in that manner. So you deserve to be beaten to shit" she snarled, kicking the elder in the groin, forcing him off of her.
Decimus had dragged the medic away from the fighting pair, knowing all too well that Tremalthios wouldn't be ending this fight until Ash was either unconscious or dead. His warrior had attacked an arena elder, and that was the highest form of disobedience and disrespect you could ever achieve within the arena. Especially if the elder was killed as a result of the attack.
Tremalthios grabbed Ash's forearm before she could try and do anything else, throwing her harshly against the door, before he drew his sword from it's sheath. Hearing the loud bang, several members of the High Guard charged in. Wrestling Ash's wrists into rope bindings behind her back. "Take her to the arena. And get the other warriors into the seating area. They are going to witness what happens when you attack an elder" growled Tremalthios, getting in Ash's face as he spoke, using his sword to slice the front of her shirt.

Within minutes, Ash had been dragged to the arena. Her shirt had been torn from her, leaving her in the chest wrappings and her shorts. The guards had no issues in removing the shirt. Heck, they smirked at it before shoving her unarmed into the arena. They stood around the edge, watching. Armed and ready to step in if Ash was winning the fight. The odds were all in Tremalthios' favour, but neither Ash nor the other warriors knew this.
Ash growled as they shoved her, throwing her arms back to get the guards off of her. They released, but held their smirks. They knew she wasn't going to win. She looked ahead of her to see Tremalthios. He'd changed into rather elegant fighting gear. This sent an unexpected sense of fear through Ash. She wondered how she'd gotten herself into this situation. That is until she remembered of how he'd spoken of her brother and her friends. She was snapped from her thoughts by Tremalthios.
"So. Assassina. You seem to think it is ok for you to lay your hands on an arena elder with intent to harm. It may have been that way with your Assassin friends, but that is not how things go here. You lay your hands on an elder, and continue to fight after being restrained, you will indeed get the fight you sought. But I doubt you'll be walking away from this" he spat, charging at her. With mere seconds to react, Ash rolled out of the way. Scrambling to get back to her feet, before she was charged again. This time, with a sword drawn against her. She did all she could to protect her vitals, raising her arms infront of her head and chest to take the sword to her arms. Feeling the sharpened metal carve into her flesh, the wetness of blood instantly covering her arms in redness. She kicked Tremalthios away from her, casting a quick glance at the other warriors as they watched in fear. Her brother, Flamma, Maximus all shared the same look. One of fear, and desperation.
She clenched her fists, before she leapt at Tremalthios, punching him as hard as she could in the throat. Feeling him gasp for air as she delivered several more punches. With a gutteral snarl, Tremalthios, tossed his sword aside to rip Ash off of him. Holding her up by her throat with his strong arm. "You really shouldn't have done that" he hissed, punching her in the stomach over and over again. Watching her face as her skin paled. He could feel her struggling for air more than he had as he worked on tightening his grip at her throat. The redness at her stomach grew more and more prominent as he punched. He moved the punches to her face, delivering one harsh punch to her nose. Crunching the bone. He was tempted to kill her and leave it at that. But this was a lesson to more than just Ash. With a smirk, he dropped her. Watching as she fell to her knees, gasping for air. Just to add to her pain, Tremalthios kicked her harshly, forcing her onto her back. "This is what you get if you attack an arena elder. I won't kill her this time. But let this be a lesson to all of you. Step out of line ONCE. And you will have me to deal with. Assassina will return to the barracks. She will train under Decimus. And Decimus alone. This is your last official warning Assassina. Next time. You will be slain"

Ash coughed as she lay on the sand, blood running from her nose and mouth as bruising formed across her body. Still struggling to breathe, she remained still. Watching as Tremalthios retrieved his sword, purposely dragging it across her shoulder as he passed her. "Get her back to the barracks" he muttered to the guards before leaving the arena.
A hooded figure had watched the fight from atop the colosseum itself. They'd witnessed Ash being beaten by an arena elder. They'd witnessed her barely able to fight back. The hooded figure had been Dmitry. Ash's boyfriend, and long time friend within the Assassin's den. He was older than Ash, him being 24 and Ash being 17. But age was just a number to them, and she loved him and he loved her. "I'll bring you home soon, Ash. Hang on" he whispered, feeling an overwhelming sense of nausea and fear come over him.

He had to get back to the den. They needed to get Ash out of there as soon as possible. Before she was killed by either another gladiator, or an arena elder.
Time was definitely not on their side now.

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