The New Black Knight

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It had been several days since Ash's fight with The Black Knight. She was healing quite well, but had been asked not to compete for several more weeks to allow her injuries to heal. But she refused.
"Aleius wishes to speak with all warriors today. You are required to return to the main training area for the meeting, Assassina"  said Lucius as he came up to Decimus and Ash whilst they were working with the horses. At the time, Ash was riding Arrow. The large black shire stallion that belonged to Decimus. "Ah, he must want to adress you all on the recent addition to the arena's events" commented Decimus as he looked up at Ash. "Recent addition? Decimus, if I must go to this meeting, I would like to stay on Arrow. I do not wish to break his calm mood by dismounting, only to return and go into the saddle again" When Ash was on a horse and had them in a calm state, getting her off of said horse was a task all of its own. She believed that if a connection between horse and rider was broken, it could not be returned to its former state.
Decimus nodded, understanding what she was saying. "My dear, you can stay on him. But allow me to lead him as we go to the training area. Give a little more slack on your reins so that I may take a hold" She did so instantly, keeping her posture as they now headed towards the training area. On the way, Decimus walked in thought for a moment before speaking. "I should not be the one to say this, but going to this meeting on horseback, may give you a most desireable impression" Ash had been about to reply to him when they were approached by a small group of guards.
"It's the one that killed The Black Knight" commented one. "She's The Black Knight now, idiot" commented another. Earning a sneer from Decimus as he pulled the shire along to get away from the guards. "Decimus, what did he mean by that?" Asked Ash, earning a sigh from Decimus. He knew this would happen sooner or later. "My dear, Aleius should be the one to explain this to you"
Right as he spoke, they entered the main training arena. "Ah, there's my Black Knight. A warrior most feared, gentlemen. This is Assassina, the only warior that has been able to slay The Black Knight before her. I feel she will be a marvelous addition to your jousting team" Aleius spoke with such happiness and delight.
Beside him stood several horses adorned with fabrics of varying designs and colours. Their riders wearing matching colours as they gazed over Ash. The other warriors were nowhere to be seen. It was simply Ash, Decimus, Aleius, several members of the High Guard. And the new horses and their riders. "Jousting? Sir. That sport is for noblemen. A sport of kings and queens, Sir" said Ash, shocked by it all happening so quickly. "Ah, Assassina. I apologise for not explaining sooner. Your feats in battle gave reached far outside of the arena. Your feats as a warrior, and as a mounted warrior... Assassina, they have reached the jousting teams, and they wish for you to train with them. We will be adding jousting to the arena events list. And you, Assassina. Will be taking part as The Black Knight" Aleius bowed his head in respect of Ash. In respect. Of her!
One of the jousters at Aleius' side looked to Ash. "Assassina, I see your confusion at why we call you The Black Knight. You see, once you slay the top warrior within the arena. You take his title. And as you managed to slay the Knight, you take his place. And it is very fitting. For you are a knight now, Assassina. We will begin at midday in the arena. We will give you your armour, and your clothing, and everything else you require when you come to training. Do not be late, Assassina"
"Yes Sir" she managed to reply, trying to understand what had just happened. It had all happened so fast! I'm a knight now? The Black Knight?  She thought, patting the stallion's neck as she gazed at the jousters across from her. They all looked so strong. And quite terrifying and intimidating. Even their horses had somewhat of an intimidating look about them!

Training would be interesting for sure.

[Authors Note: I'm back to writing! Man how I missed it. But hey! Ash is the new Black Knight! The most feared of all Knights! She is the most feared Knight from the arena, but will she live up to it? Training will take place in the next part!]

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