Knight Talks

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As the evening drew in, the knights now sought comfort in the barracks. The evening bringing a light chill with it. Whilst Ash slept after saying that she didn't feel too good, the knights and Decimus remained together. Speaking of the upcoming challenges and recent events. "She's finally asleep. Nights like this are more common lately" sighed Decimus as he sat with the knights, a drink being handed to him by Stafford. "Her father seems to cause a lot of grief. Has he always been like this with her?" asked Neville, watching Decimus. "He has. When Ash and Niero were just children, Niero actually ran away with Ash to try and give her a better life away from their father. What kind of father does it take to push away two children?"
"A bad father" commented Howard, sipping at his drink. Decimus merely nodded. Gazing down at his drink for a moment. "I hear Ash challenged you to a joust. She's getting more and more confident in that sense. Recently, she had another nightmare. Woke up sweating and hyperventilating. She couldn't say what the nightmare was about. Could barely speak. It all makes me worry about her" Stafford watched Decimus as he spoke. The man clearly loved Ash very much. "She's seen a lot, Decimus. The arena isn't helping. We have arranged to yourself, and Ash to be free from the arena. Ash's presence has been requested at a joust tournament. Under the circumstances, you will both be required to leave the arena. You will both be free" It had to be said now. Ash would get her freedom. She was getting her freedom. And Decimus would be leaving with her.
"If she were awake, she would thank you. For now, let her rest" sighed Decimus, watching the knights.  "Decimus, Ash is one of the only female knights. If not, the only female knight. She will be big, Decimus. Many men will lust after her. Be on your guard for that. During official jousts before the king, knights are allowed to get favours from the spectators. Usually, we get all kinds of things from female spectators. I'm not sure what Ash would recieve, but be on your guard for other men seeking her hand, Decimus"
The group knew Ash wouldn't do anything. She had given her hand to Decimus, and Decimus alone. No other man would get to her in that way. "No other man will dare to take a step towards her in such a manner. It wouldn't surprise me if Ash shot them down though before I got to them. You heard how she spoke of Dmitri"
"She won't need to worry about the assassins again, Decimus. The assassins won't get near her, or any of us ever again. The king won't allow such people to attend his joust tournaments. He knows Ash is a former gladiator, and knows who she is now. He likes her. And believes she has true potential. Decimus, we leave for England in a few days. It will be a surprise for Ash. Her horses, and your horses will come with us. It will be a long journey via boat. But we will travel regardless"
Decimus stared in silence for a moment. Ash would be over the moon to be leaving the arena. Who knew jousting would help her to gain her freedom after over a year in the arena!

"I cannot thank you all enough for this. Ash will be overwhelmed with the news"
The knights nodded with smiles. "Let us toast to the upcoming freedom of the Black Knight"
They toasted their drinks, smiling, and speaking of what the future now held for the group. And what the future held for Ash.

[Author's Note: Ash is going to be free! And yes, they're going to England. That's where the King is. And yes, I'm aware how historically unaccurate this is, but remember. Tis' just a story!]

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