Ch53: Diminuendo

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The gentle feeling of my body being rocked side to side stirs me awake to find my daughter, Rupprecht, still fast asleep beside me. Turning around, I find Jean standing beside the bed with a somewhat concerned look on her face. I sit up, ensuring I'm facing her properly before speaking.

Me: What's wrong?

Jean: We're about to prepare to land.

Me: We're back in Berlin already?

Jean: Technically, we're flying over it but yes.

A yawn escapes my lips as my body falls back into the bed. Beside me, Rupprecht stirs but doesn't wake. Jean opens her mouth to protest but I'm quick to silence her with a finger to the lip. Still, she leans closer until I'm almost certain she's going to kiss me.

Jean: They're waiting to brief you on current matters of state.

Me: Who-

Jean: They're just outside the door.

At that, I sit back up only to feel exhaustion completely overcome my body. The world becomes a blur, even as I mutter a few words regarding how weird I'm feeling before collapsing back onto the bed. This time, I don't black out but with my vision hazy I might as well have.

Jean panics, her actions leading to a commotion which manages to wake Rupprecht. It takes the latter a few seconds to orient herself but when she finally sees me I feel her pull me into her arms while asking everyone who rushes into the room what happened.

Despite not being able to make out my surroundings, I don't particularly panic. Perhaps the reason for this stems from the fact that everyone else seems to be more than adequately doing so or perhaps it is because I'm amongst people I can trust but I am completely calm even as I feel the plane touch down onto the runway.

It's still running when the sounds of sirens fill the room, flashing red and blue lights overcoming what little of my vision remains as it comes to a halt. Seconds later, the voice of Friedrich comes barelling into the room before I'm lifted off Rupprecht's lap where my head had been resting.

Surprisingly, she doesn't panic or scream. In fact, of everyone in the room, my mother seems the most calm as she walks me out the door despite the many protests from the medical staff. It is such a stark contrast to what I was expecting that even in my weakened state, I speak up.

Me: I'm surprised you didn't come blasting holes through the plane.

She laughs but doesn't respond. Once on the outside, my already poor vision all but goes white as my eyes fail to adjust to the difference in lighting. It's so bright that I'm forced to shut my eyes entirely, turning my head away from the light and buried between her breasts and yet save for the increased pace at which her heart beats, there's still no reaction from her.

Sensing something must seriously be wrong, I try pushing myself out of her grasp but she tightens her hold before finally addressing me directly.

FDG: You need to rest.

Her voice is so calm and soothing that I'm almost convinced this isn't my Mother at all and instead some imposter but before the thought can truly begin to flourish, Ulrich's voice dispels the theory.

Ulrich: is she?

FDG: She just needs to rest.

Ulrich: But-

FDG: Shhhh!

Her voice goes to a whisper, as if it'd make a difference to my ability to hear her words as Ulrich leans over me to hear.

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα