Ch27: Eagle Union Delegation

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It's only been a day since I hosted the Sakura Empire's delegation when I'm back in the throne room once more. This time, it is a delegation from Eagle Union that has arrived and though no one says it outright, everyone knows why they are here. They can't afford to fight a two-front war with the losses they keep racking up against us and with the arrival of the Sakura Empire they simply cannot let them negotiate us into taking an active role in the war.

Knowing what my enemy wants gives me an advantage in these negotiations. Really, I could ask for anything at all and they'd have no choice but to agree. However, I'm not that interested in their part of the world. I already have what I want in mind though which ought to make this easier. After all, VestalM and I have spoken at length about this. Now, all I need to do is get them to agree.

Maryland: As I'd previously mentioned, Your Majesty, my colleagues and I are here to negotiate a ceasefire and a potential peace treaty with Iron Blood.

Me: Very well. I'll agree to your request for peace.

The room erupts with shouts and appeals for me to rethink the decision. I find it funny that these idiots still think I would actually agree to peace without asking for anything in return but hey...It isn't as though I am evil either.

Me: I'll agree to peace if you agree to cede the island of Jamaica to us.

Maryland pauses, clearly thinking about the pros and cons of giving up the island. Pity she has no idea I don't really have much interest in the island. Sure it would prove a good forward base against Eagle Union but being so far from us means it can't really be defended easily without concentrating far too much of our forces there.

Maryland: We can agree to such in exchange for Greenland.

Me: Haha. You want to give me an afterthought for a continent's worth of land complete with naval facilities to repair your fleets?

Maryland: I-

Me: Forget it. You clearly aren't taking this seriously or even worse, don't know what kind of position you are in.

I begin rising from my throne to leave but she falls to her knees, begging for me to not end negotiations here. Smiling, I retake my seat. Clearly, they have told her she is to return to them with peace or not at all.

Me: Well?

Maryland: I can't agree to give away such a strategically important island but is there something else you might be interested in?

Me: Hmmm. If you won't give up the island then I'll take one of your own as my personal property.

Maryland: I beg your pardon?

Me: Give me the KANSEN that goes by the name of Yorktown.

Maryland: I...I could never-

Me: It is her or total war.

Maryland: I...even if we wanted to accept, she is in no condition to make the trip-

Me: You let me worry about the transportation of my goods. Do you agree?

Maryland: I...

Me: Clock's-a-ticking.

Maryland: One moment!

She places her hand to her ears, clearly communicating with her government. As she does, I have Jean prepare just in case she decides to try and be a hero instead. 

Maryland: When you say become yours, what exactly do you mean?

Me: Don't play dumb. My words were pretty straightforward.

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