Ch45: Mother's Fury (2)

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Alarms blare as Ulrich and I prepare ourselves to jump from the aircraft as it flies over the Iron Blood city of Murmansk. Beneath us, flashes of light illuminate the clouds as an intense battle rages on between our Northern Fleet, the Eagle Union's expeditionary force and the SIRENs. 

Ulrich: I'm ready!

I turn, ensuring that her parachute is secured properly before signalling to the pilot waiting by the door that we're good to go. He's strapped himself to a rail using a detached seatbelt but seems to be concerned when moving to open the door so I push him aside, electing to do it myself.

Ulrich: I'm right behind you.

The minute I open the door, we're hit by hurling winds but thanks to the pilot having already slowed the plane down, it doesn't blow us through the other side of the plane but merely pushes us a few inches back.

Me: Aim for the middle of their formation.

Ulrich: What?

I jump, immediately pointing my head towards the ground to maximise my descent. The wind bats my clothes around but does little to alter my course.

As I pass through the clouds, however, I adjust my position to slow my descent enough that I'm able to take in the layout of the battlefield. It's getting dark, what with the sun already dipping beneath the horizon, but thanks to the light it still provides I'm able to identify friends from foes quickly.

I turn towards my foes, not even bothering to use my parachute as my body crashes through their largest carrier sending its broken frame rocketing into the sky as I sink beneath the waves only to return moments later armed and opening fire on anything near me.

We're in the open sea so there's no risk to civilian life as I let loose, causing friends and foes alike to flee before the chaos my guns cause and yet...


My voice echoes across the waves even as I singlehandedly demolish her forces, leaving nothing but sinking wrecks in my wake as I continue pushing towards the epicentre of their formation. She sees me and attempts to flee but long before she begins turning towards her summoned portal, I arrive behind her, grabbing her by the neck.

Me: Where is my daughter?

Alpha: What are you-


She holds up her hands while muttering something about not having anything to do with it but when i shove my main gun into her face, she breaks.

Alpha: Okay! Okay!

Me: ...

Alpha: I'm telling the truth when I said I had nothing to do with it-

I prepare my gun to fire.

Alpha: BUT!!!! I know where she is.

Me: Where?

Alpha eyes my gun warily, even as its barrel remains pointed at her throat. I sigh, lowering the gun and she breathes a sigh of relief, rubbing the part of her neck that my hands had been unceremoniously squeezing.

Alpha: She's returned to her world.

Me: What do you mean by "her world"?

Her eyes widen for a split second before her tone changes altogether.

Alpha: I suppose I should say she's gone to an alternate world. 

Me: An alternate...

Alpha: A future version of this world...of sorts.

Me: How?

Alpha: If I knew that we wouldn't be having this prolonged conversation.

I raise an eyebrow but she's quick to raise her hands in surrender.

Alpha: I'm not currently your enemy, you know.

Me: Strange words coming from someone who I caught attacking my daughter's sla...forces. 

Alpha: They're the ones who attacked first. 

Me: If you aren't my enemy, as you claim, what are you doing here?

Alpha: Like you, I'm looking for someone. Someone precious to me.

Ulrich: Sister!

I turn to see Ulrich and the others charging towards us. It seems during our conversation, Alpha had the other SIREN stand down because the fighting has ceased and they've begun withdrawing.

Alpha: If you'd like, I can take you to her.

Me: I...

Despite my eagerness to see my child again, I pause. Would it be the right thing to do? Would she be happy to see me? I know how much this nation means to her and right now, we're the only ones keeping it together in her absence. What if she's more worried about the state of her nation in my absence? What if she hates me for leaving-

Alpha: Stop overthinking this.

Me: Huh?

Alpha: I'd do anything to be in your shoes right now.

Me: What are you-

Alpha: To be able to see her again...even if just for a moment...I'd give anything-

She stops herself, cutting her words short as she shakes her head.

Me: Who are you looking for, exactly?

Alpha: Why the sudden interest? Are you saying you'd help me?

In all honesty, the thought never crossed my mind but...if she's able to return my daughter to me safely then I suppose it'd only be fair that I return that favor in kind. After all, despite my attack, I'm no fool. If she really wanted to, she could leave at any time and at best all I could do is damage her. We've even killed her kind before in the past but they always return, sometimes showing up again within the same hour we'd destroyed them.

When it comes to technology, they are far beyond our reach and yet though they've always fought us winning doesn't seem to be their goal. At least, it isn't hers...perhaps there is truth to her words after all. Perhaps all she desires is to find her special someone.

Me: Help me get my daughter back and I'll see what can be done.

She smiles at that.

Alpha: Are you sure?

Me: As long as you keep your end of the deal, I'll do likewise.

Alpha: Fair enough. You have yourself a deal.

Ulrich and the others shout for me to get away from her but as I turn to face them, I feel her hands and tentacles wrap around my body. Ulrich screams at me but stops when I return her concern with a smile.

Me: I'll be back.

There's a flash of light. By the time my eyes are able to adjust, I find myself kneeling waist-deep in water. I'm on a beach...a beach I don't recognise. Alpha is nowhere to be seen. However, off in the distance, I spot the familiar shape of my lost child.

I hardly register that I've begun moving until I've already broken into a mad dash towards her. The world blurs around me as my body continues accelerating beyond all logic and reason. My arms open to receive her even as my brain screams at me to slow down.

At the last possible second, she turns around, her eyes widening in surprise even as my own begin to water upon realising that I was correct all along. 

Words fail me, even as I wrap her in the tightest hug I can muster, the sand caught between our bodies exploding under the pressure even as I continue tightening the hug as if I fear she'll vanish from view should I ever let her go again.

August: M-mom?

Me: That's right, mommy's here. Mommy's finally here.

????: Mom, huh? So, when are you going to introduce her to your father?


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