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I am sitting on the throne part of my rigging when Stalin is finally brought in. We're still at the Resort in Scandinavia so it came as a surprise to me when I was suddenly informed that he'd come in person to meet me. Quite brave of him to do so after launching a surprise attack on my nation despite the treaty between us. Still, rather than have him killed on the spot I decide to hear him out.

As he enters the ballroom, the girls who were previously a part of his nation all tense up. I suppose they still haven't gotten over the treatment they received while part of the Northern Parliament.

He doesn't bow or kneel but I wouldn't expect him to. This is Stalin, after all, he bows to no one...which begs the question of why he's here...

Stalin: I'm surprised you agreed to see me.

Me: I'm surprised you came in person.

He laughs before taking the seat offered him. I notice that despite bringing guards with him he hasn't taken any inside and as such I decide to return the courtesy by having the others leave save for Jean who all but outright demands to stay.

Me: Now then, shall we get to business?

Stalin: I am here to apologise for the behaviours of my subordinates in the orchestrated skirmish that took place this morning.

Me: Skirmish?

Stalin: It seems they were dissatisfied with the fact that we sought peaceful coexistence instead of revenge and thus took matters into their own hands. Rest assured they have already been punished.

This man really just called millions of troops engaging my border forces and the KANSEN that had gotten there in time a skirmish?

Me: That seems rather farfetched.

Stalin: Well, it goes without saying that if I were to attack you I'd send far more than mere troops. Besides, we have a deal currently that is quite beneficial for both of us. I have no desire to lose such benefits.

Well, it is true that there is no rational reason for the attack save for revenge. Even if what he said was, it doesn't matter. I don't wish to enter another major war right now if I can avoid it. My people deserve peace and though our economy is strong war could upset the transition we are currently undergoing. 

Me: I accept your apology.

Stalin: You do?

Me: If you hadn't come in person, I might have done otherwise but I agree that what we have going on is quite beneficial. Besides, no one was killed on our end so all's good.

Stalin: I...very well. Thank you for understanding.

Me: Yes, yes. I look forward to our continued partnership.

He nods and stands. I join him and after a quick handshake, he leaves.

Me: Now then, I suppose I ought to punish Rossiya, shouldn't I?

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now