Ch10: Istanbul

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It probably shouldn't have surprised me that the Royal Maids turned Imperial Maids were professional but I certainly weren't expecting them to serve me without resistance right from the get-go. I'd thought they'd need to be coerced or even outright disciplined into obedience prior to our trip to the Rumelia Empire but as our train travels toward the border I'm left pleasantly surprised.

Brünhilde: There appears to be a checkpoint up ahead. Shall I deal with them?

Jean: I'm sure you already know the answer to that.

Brünhilde: I'm just saying. It'd be faster to-

The screech from the train slowing down puts and end to their conversation as I stand and begin making my way towards the doors. Jean is quick to follow, ever not far from my side and despite her reluctance to choose diplomacy, Brünhilde follows.

Stepping out into the daylight proves a pleasant experience. The air's fresh and the sky's devoid of military aircraft. It has that nice country feeling we all wish to experience every now and then. The mark of peace.

????: Welcome, honoured guests, to the Rumelia Empire. I am Goeben and this is Breslau. We've been looking forward to your arrival, Mein Kaiserin.

Me: You speak our native language?

Brünhilde: I thought you two would've been sunken by now. Your Majesty, they are girls from Iron Blood who got stuck in the Mediterranean at the outbreak of war. I thought-

Goeben: It is true that we were stuck and couldn't leave. We were hunted down but before they could truly commit any major assets against us we were ordered to go to Rumelia where they took us in and have been caring for us ever since.

Brünhilde: Why didn't you return after we'd beaten the Iris Orthodoxy into exile?

Goeben: She hesitates but I already know the answer.

Me: It still wasn't safe to return by sea and land was out of the question since any such crossing of the border by a military asset would have been seen as an act of war at the time on the part of the Rumelia Empire towards us.

Goeben: It is as you say, mein Kaiserin.

Me: I suppose the only question to really ask is whether you wish to rejoin Iron Blood or remain with Rumelia.

Breslau: I...

Me: It's not a choice you need to make now. Don't worry, you can take all the time you need. For now though I think it is about time we continued our journey.

Goeben: Oh, right. Sorry!

They motion for the gates to be opened and immediately the guards carry out their orders. At the same time, we reboarded the train and once our path is clear we proceed onward. 

From the checkpoint, it doesn't take us long to arrive on the outskirts of Istanbul. All the girls hurry to the windows to get a glimpse of the different architecture as the train enters the city.

The roads are all blocked off to allow us to pass through, police lining the streets as people struggle to get a glimpse of our party. I suppose this is what it feels like to be a foreign leader on a diplomatic mission overseas.

Jean: Upon arrival, we'll proceed as planned. That means straight to the hotel. No detours.

She looks at me as she says the last part, obviously aware that I have no intention of following her rather restrictive plans. I mean, what do I have to fear? It's not like the average citizen will possess a weapon even remotely capable of harming a KANSEN never mind one as heavily armored as me. 

Not to toot my own horn or anything but I am pretty fucking strong, not to mention disgustingly lucky.

Jean: Algérie, you're to remain by her side at all times.

Me: You make it sound like I need to be babysat.

Algérie: I'll ensure she remains out of trouble.

Me: Hey-

Jean: Gloucester, which maid will be on duty?

Gloucester: Newcastle. 

She steps forward, curtsying before me as Algérie takes her position by my side.

Newcastle: I look forward to serving you today, Your Majesty.

I smile, taking the time to acknowledge them both before refocusing on the view through the window just in time to see we're pulling into the station. Outside, reporters are being held at bay by local police forces. There are visible elements of the military present as well but apart from the Sensenmänner battalion deployed ahead of us to secure the area, we're the only ones from Iron Blood. This isn't lost on me as we exit the train into the flashing of camera lights. Any one of these people could try to kill me. The thought is exhilarating. 

????: Welcome, Empress August. I am Foreign Relations Minister Ahmed Izzet Pasha. 

Me: Thank you for the warm reception, Ahmed.

I'm likely pushing his buttons by being so cordial on our very first meeting but if I offend him, he doesn't show it. 

Ahmed: We look forward to playing host during these talks but for now, I'm sure you're tired after such a long journey. We've prepared one of our most luxurious hotels for your enjoyment. If there's anything you need, feel free to refer to my assistant. She'll be meeting you there. 

Me: Thank you for your hospitality.

He bows before quickly getting into a car some way away from the ones I'm being led towards. Near his vehicle, I notice some men in black looking our way while speaking in hushed tones but pay them no mind, getting into the prepared vehicle. 

As the others get in, I'm suddenly grabbed by Algérie who pushes me out the vehicle before everyone exits and hurries away. Mere seconds later, shortly after we've gotten away, the vehicles explode sending debris hurling in all directions. 

Jean: Protect the Empress!

All the imperial Guards swarm my position as I'm escorted out of the opening and behind a  nearby concrete wall. The maids also arm themselves though only to the point of materialising a single gun for use.

Jean: There are multiple targets closing in on our position from all sides. We-

Me: We need to get to the hotel.

Jean looks at me like I've gone mad before shaking her head and muttering that I'm always putting myself in danger. 

The men attempting to encircle us don't get the chance to close in as the battalion we'd sent ahead arrives in an armed convoy and successfully disperses the crowd. I don't know how the Sultan will handle this incident. Not only was the leader of a foreign nation attacked within his country but that nation deployed soldiers on the ground to combat the "insurgents" attacking said leader. Quite the dilemma indeed.

Jean: We're clear.

Despite saying that, she still insists that I remain behind the wall until one of the Panzer IV tanks arrives alongside our position to provide cover.

Me: Who said diplomacy wasn't fun?

Jean: We'll need to find a new location-

Me: We're still heading to the hotel.

Jean: But-

Me: I'm not giving up a 5-star service for some dark room in an abandoned warehouse with nothing to sleep on but the cold, concrete floor,

For once on this trip, everyone else agrees with me though I have no doubt my description might've swayed the results.

Jean: As you wish.

She sounds overworked but I know she's only looking out for me so as we get underway once more, I decide to make it up. other by stating that once there I won't leave the hotel and will keep someone with me. She likes that very much.

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