Ch32: Reichstag

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There are over 300 people gathered in the Reichstag building today to discuss the response we'll be taking with regard to the brutal killing of our citizens. Further information has come in since we've gathered stating that not only was the family killed but they were actively targeted by the Dragon Empery forces. The new intel makes it clear that the family was hunted down by soldiers who took great pleasure in slitting their throats but not before having their way with the mother and daughter. To make matters even worse, there were two additional families from Iron Blood that were also found in a similar state with the women of those groups brought back to the Empery's camps to become playthings to relieve the men.

Our agents in the area successfully infiltrated the camps and with aid from the Sakura Empire's elite marines managed to secure the women but the damage had already been done. The ladies are being rerouted to Israel to be treated by VestalM who has informed the council that she's able to remove the terrible memories from their minds and give them new personas as per their request. From there, the ladies will be allowed to reintegrate with society or join the Research Complex's staff by their preference as we've already informed their families that they died to spare them the trauma.

Minister: We should mobilise the entire army for war and wipe their people off the face of the Earth!

Minister: I second that motion! How dare they attack-

Delegate: You'd turn this into a racial war? They'd outnumber us 10:1 at the best of odds.

Minister: Have those odds ever prevented us from winning before? Under the leadership of Her Majesty, we could wipe the rest of humanity from the face of the Earth if we so wished.

Delegate: What do you think our friends in the Sakura Empire and Eagle Union would think if they heard those words after going through such trouble to rescue our people?

Minister: It's their fucking ally who killed our people in the first place!

Delegate: So you'd blame them for the actions of another who they themselves have condemned and even attacked over the matter?

Minister: Yes. Yes I would!

They continue back and forth with no sense or direction as the conversation swings far from just speaking about the families who were affected. If someone doesn't remind them who the enemy is they might even pull Rumelia into this conversation.

Roselyn: ORDER!!! ORDER!!!

The room falls silent. It's not so much that they fear Roselyn but they know better than to insult her as every single member of our government is fully aware of how close we are and how unforgivable such an affront would be in the eyes of their Empress.

Roselyn: Thank you. Now, if you'd be so kind, kindly remain on topic.

Minister: I have said my peace. I say total war with the intention of wiping them off the face of the planet.

Delegate: You idiot, we're already at war with them. This is not a declaration of war but merely a result of the fact that we're still at war. 

Minister: Your point being?

The delegate falls silent but another immediately picks up, diverting the conversation away from the Dragon Empery for the time being.

Delegate: What's the news on the insurgents from Rumelia that has also dared to attack our people? What is your ministry doing to resolve that crisis right against our borders?

Minister: What?

Delegate: You heard me! You sit here asking for us to commit our sons and daughters to fighting a war of mass genocide on the other side of the planet when we have enemies right at our doorsteps that you seem perfectly willing to ignore.

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