Ch15: Liberalis

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I'm back in the palace, seated on my throne, when the girls who'd gone to finish our war with Iris Libre return. I don't know what to make of the fact that my people have started treating the war less like something that needs to end and more like entertainment, throwing lavish parties each time we return home victorious but long as they're happy.

Clemenceau: Your Majesty, allow me to present Iris Libre to you.

She lays the folded flag of Iris Libre at my feet before motioning for the captured girls to be brought in. Beside me, Jean twitches upon seeing her sister in chains but I'm sure she understands this is all for show. After all, these events are being broadcast all across the Empire. Besides, it's not like we weren't enemies.

Me: You've done well, Clemenceau. Tell me, what would you like as your reward?

Clemenceau: If I may be so bold, I'd ask that you spare these prisoners of war, Your Majesty.

Me: Oh?

Clemenceau: I understand that this is a strange request but I'm certain they could prove quite useful if given the opportunity to serve the Empire.

Me: Hmmmm...

Turning to face the girls she's referring to, one immediately stands out as being similar to Jean and upon asking the latter she confirms that the girl is her sister.

Me: Richelieu, was it? Well, you've heard her request. Are you willing to serve me?

Richelieu: We are, in exchange for the continued fair treatment of our people.

Me: Very well. Because you surrendered without much resistance, I shall permit you to join the Empire. 

Her eyes widen in disbelief which itself is quite surprising to me. I thought I was pretty straightforward about these kinds of things. I mean, I did go out of my way to get the Northern Parliament girls and later the Royal Navy. Why does no one believe me when I say I'll accept them?

Me: Oh, right. Jean, take the rest of the day off and spend time with your sisters. I'm sure you've missed each other.

Jean: But-

Brünhilde: We'll keep her out of trouble.

Me: Hey-

Rupprecht: [Mother, remember the events are still being broadcast.]

Clenching my fists, I shoo them away before asking for the others to be brought in. This time, there are representatives from all the regions within the African Continent that have just fallen under our control. A lovely addition, truly. I don't want it.

It's not that Africa couldn't prove useful in the long term but I just have no reason to take all of it. The amount of effort it'd take to handle it in addition to everything we're already dealing with would simply be asking too much of my government to handle...which is why I've had a map of the entire continent broth forth. They've already renamed the regions back to their original forms or given them new names entirely so this should be fairly easy for me.

Me: I'll keep this brief. We'll retain everything in the North stretching from Morocco to Egypt. We'll also be keeping control of Ghana, South Africa, Madagascar and Kenya. For the rest, you're free to either bond together as a single nation or set up your own governments. 

There are gasps of surprise all throughout the throne room. I'm sure even those at home watching on their television screens are equally as surprised.

Delegate: Are you certain, Your Majesty?

Me: Sure. I have no current interest in any of your lands other than the ones I mentioned. The rest are free to do as they see fit. However...

Delegate: However?

Me: If your people decide to attack my people. or otherwise interfere with our operations, you'll find this small bit of mercy is far less merciful than it might seem as I won't hesitate to eliminate those who threaten my Empire.

The room falls silent. Truth be told, I'm only taking parts of Africa because it allows me to secure ports for our ships to resupply in when we begin our Asian campaign. Yes, if we had finished this war with Azur Lane before capturing Africa I may have only kept Egypt, Morocco and South Africa since they are the only regions I'm actively interested in.

Me: Any questions?

Delegate: Err...well, it's just that we came hoping to be able to pledge our loyalty to you-

Me: You still can. However, it wouldn't change the fact that you're independent nations now since we've just granted you all independence and have no intention of rescinding the order.

Delegate: I...I understand.

Poor thing. he looks like a deflated balloon.

Me: Don't worry, we'll provide expertise to help you all get on the right track but in exchange, you'll continue supplying us with resources. Our troops will also remain for a time to help stabilise things and ease the transition of power. 

Delegate: I...I, thank you!

Really, I'm not doing this for you. This is more to prevent the region from devolving into chaos like it did in my timeline when the Allies pulled out, effectively overnight and left a massive power vacuum. The less devastating our withdrawal is, the more unlikely they are to pose a threat to us in the future. It's simple, really. This is being done for our own benefit in the long term and the cheap resources are just an added bonus.

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