Ch3: Yikes

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We arrive in Marseille to much fanfare. With the war against the Northern Parliament now firmly under our control, there's little our conventional forces can't handle. As a result, our entire KANSEN naval forces arrive alongside me to enjoy a brief vacation before returning to war.

First, I met with the local Vichya Dominion government where they formally sign the treaty for annexation. I also meet the other KANSEN from the Vichya Dominion who surprisingly offer no resistance to our sudden take over. In fact, we soon find common ground in our shared mistrust/hatred of the Royal Navy.

Now, however, as everyone gathers on the beaches leaving politics behind one could be forgiven for thinking the war was nothing more than a distant rumour stemming from ancient myth.

Me: [While I do think you should all have fun, might I remind everyone that we are no longer in the Baltic? We don't have complete control over the Mediterranean so while most of us relax we'll be taking shifts to ensure we maintain a limited patrol of the surrounding area to prevent surprises.]

Bismark: [Tirpitz and I will take the first watch.]

Me: [Brunhilde, Kiev and Yorck will join you.]

No one complains so after minor preparation, they set out leaving the rest of us to enjoy ourselves. 

Me: Jean, there's no need to stay by my side right now.

Jean: I've never been one for these kinds of things.

Me: Then I'd suggest taking the time to familiarise yourself with "these things" as they'll likely prove a part of life even after the war ends.

Jean: Do you truly believe the war will come to an end?

Me: All things do...eventually.

She gives it some thought before requesting permission to leave my side and after I grant it, she departs. For a second, I allow myself to believe she'd take the opportunity to socialise but when I see her arming her gear before departing in the direction Bismark and Co. went...I can't help but sigh.

????: Shouldn't you be relaxing? 

Turning I find Ulrich holding two glasses of what seems like martini, one of which she hands to me as she sets herself down on the towel beside me. We're inside my tent and while I currently have a view of the rest of the beach it isn't lost on me that if we were to seek privacy all it'd take is the nudging of a single stick...

Me: I am relaxing, or at least I was.

Ulrich: That was an awfully deep sigh for someone who's relaxed.

I laugh at that, sipping the drink even as she nudges the tent shut with her outstretched foot.

Ulrich: Perhaps I can help relieve some of the tension?

Me: Wasn't that why you brought the refreshments?

Laughing at my teasing, she takes the glass from my hands and sets it aside as she pushes me back until I hit the cushioned towels beneath us. As she hovers over me, I'm faintly aware that she's drunk and going from the smell of liquor radiating from her body she must've gotten drunk before coming here.

Ulrich: I am your refreshment.

She starts with a quick kiss against my lips before trailing her way down to my breasts. As her mouth travels, her hands make quick work of my top sending it flying across the tent before her teeth nibble against my nipples. 

A moan escapes my lips as she continues working her way south, simultaneously stripping out of her own clothing which proves less challenging than it otherwise might given our bathing suits. 

Ulrich: Since you're Empress now does that make me your concubine?

Me: Huh-

My mind blanks as she sinks her tongue inside me, twirling it around just beneath the opening before flicking it out, sending me over the edge as she does. My fingers claw through her hair as I arch off the bed in a state of blissful ecstasy.

FDG: August, dear-

All at once, my spasms end replaced with the immediate need to get dressed.

FDG: Have you seen Ulrich?

Ulrich's face pales as Mother's footsteps grow closer. I hurriedly pull on my bathing suit while stuffing hers in her arms before shoving her under the back end of the tent mere seconds before Mother opens the front.

She takes one look at me, still flustered from just orgasming, opens her mouth then closes it before excusing herself. 

I flop back against the towels, utterly exhausted, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest.

Me: Fuck...that was stupid.

I start laughing hysterically as the weight of the entire ordeal finally lifts off my shoulders. 

Me: I need to sort my shit out...asap, or my own heart might kill me before the enemy does.

Jean enters, with ice-cream cones in either hand, startling the living shit out of me at first before my brain decrypts the data my eyes provide to realise it isn't Mother. She hands me one, taking hers over to a nearby post she leans against for support.

Jean: Should I be concerned by the naked girl I saw running from the back of the tent?

Me: A naked girl?

Jean: They moved too fast for me to make out who it was but it was definitely a female.

Me: Jealous?

She chokes on her ice cream.

Me: Haha. Relax...everything's fine. We're all here to enjoy ourselves after all.

Jean: Try not to enjoy it too much...

Me: Hmm?

Jean: Remember, we aren't staying here forever. There's still a war to conclude.

Me: Ughh...don't remind me.

As if on cue, Roselyn comes barging in. After hastily apologising for her intrusion, she explains her reason for entering.

Roselyn: It's from the Northern Parliament, Your Majesty. They are ready to negotiate the terms of surrender.

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