Ch23: Rumelian Peace

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Life's good right now. After our attacks and the pictures of our flag triumphant in Eagle Union, morale is at an all-time high. I might need to make July the 4th a national holiday at this rate, the way the people are partying non-stop even a week after the attack has been made.

Eagle Union has proven silent since getting bombed into oblivion. I knew they would have been shaken to their core but I still expected even minor attacks against us in the following days, similar to the attack the USA did on Japan as retaliation back in my old world. No such attack was forthcoming, however, and with virtually all of their carriers, most of their battleships and all of their destroyers on this side of the world cleansed from the seas, the reason is obvious.

With them out of the way, I could very well use this momentum to steamroll Rumelia into the dust. Perhaps this is why I'm currently greeted by the sight of their emissaries, suing for peace.

Me: You wish for peace?

Emissary: Yes, Your Majesty. The Sultan has tasked us with making the official request and has given us the authority to-

He is cut off as the Sultan himself walks in. The men yelp in surprise, even as he is being announced but much to everyone's surprise the man kneels upon reaching his people. 

Sultan: You have won, Empress August-

Me: Please, I haven't even really attacked you save for capturing the territory we currently hold.

Sultan: Yet you have still defeated us. My people are disheartened and want no further part in this conflict. Over two million of our sons have died trying to retake Egypt. It is yours.

Me: The cost of peace may prove far more costly than you're willing to pay.

Sultan: What are your terms?

Me: You'll cede Egypt, formally, to me. You will also cede territory from the Suez up to Damascus within your Syrian principality to me. In exchange, you will have peace.

Sultan: The local people will never agree to such terms.

Me: Then relocate them. I have plans for the area and they aren't a part of those plans so if they remain and cause us trouble rather than behaving nicely as the people of Egypt have done under our occupation then...they'll get the same treatment the Eagle Union got when it decided to attack us for no reason.

He looks at me, dejected before bowing his head in acceptance. Shortly after his departure, I ordered our troops stationed in Egypt to begin preparations to march into the soon-to-be-acquired land. The local populace will be given a week to leave. I already know some will stay but given I know what the future will be if they do, I have decided to have the special forces move ahead of the main force and clean up any stragglers. They won't be killing them but they will definitely deport their arses to Rumelia if they choose to not take the offer of relocating to Egypt.

The week passed in a blur, during which, I'd already taken the time to inform the core of the populace we'd moved from the concentration camps prior to my ascension of the situation. As expected, the Jewish population is immediately ready to pack up shop and leave but the remainder chooses to remain in Leningrad where they'll continue working as part of my military's R&D team amongst other jobs.

It is a massive undertaking to relocate millions of people on such short notice but with every spare plane taking part in the effort and with supplies being transported by land from nearby Egypt, things go a lot smoother than they otherwise could have. Furthermore, the army has remained ever present along our borders with Rumelia blocking all attempts by the local populace to interfere thus giving a sense of security which they otherwise certainly wouldn't have.

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