Ch4: Negotiations

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As our aircraft touches down in Moscow, we're met by flyovers and gun salutes. A long motorcade waits for us as all the girls of Iron Blood, including those we'd gained from the Vichya Dominion and those of Northern Parliament all disembark. Jean, as expected, is glued to my side. She's gotten along well with Mother which itself is unsurprising since she's been warding off Eugen, Agir and Roon's attempts at getting closer to me but I don't mind. It's nice having someone by my side that doesn't want to join me in bed for once. 

My daughter is here as well though for now she's off with Parseval, the latter of which finally conceded on the way here that she doesn't classify as my child given her "clone" nature. 

Roselyn: Your Majesty, we'll be heading to the Kremlin. The leaders of the Northern Parliament are already waiting there.

Me: He actually came?

Roselyn: Yes, but not without heavy support as all the remaining KANSEN of Northern Parliament are with him.

Me: That's good.

Roselyn: Ma'am?

Me: It'll make negotiations easier.

The trip there is brief with the military having created a corridor straight through the city for our convoy to pass unimpeded. There are no incidents whatsoever but when we get to the Kremlin, there's a massive gathering of people surrounding the complex. There are no signs of violence and upon inquiry, we learn that they are mainly here to get a first-hand account of what transpires.

Officer: Should we disperse the crowd, Your Majesty?

Me: That's not necessary. Just maintain the peace for now.

He salutes, stepping away and motioning for the gates to be opened as we continue onwards. Once in, everyone disembarks and following local guides, begins making their way toward the conference hall.

On the inside, I'm taken aback by just how majestic the hall is. It was clearly added to the palace during the rule of the Tsars. Such opulence, not even modern-day corrupt politicians would ever dare...

Roselyn: Her Imperial Majesty, Kaiserin August von Parseval!

Everyone in the room stands and it's only then that I notice that I'm the only one that hasn't yet fully entered the room and chosen a seat. 

Walking towards the seat Roselyn pulls out for me, I thank her before taking a seat. Once I do, another gentleman stands and declares the leader of the Northern Parliament.

????: The Premier of the Northern Parliament, Premier Joseph Stalin!

Opposite me, rather than stand, Stalin merely raises his hand in acknowledgement as the room applauds before everyone takes their seat. The delegation from Iron Blood is massive, given every last one of our KANSEN is present in addition to other government personnel but surprisingly the delegation they bring is equally as massive yet the room holds everyone comfortably with room to spare. Just what did they design this room for?

????: Allow me to start these negotiations, first with an introduction-

Me: Since we're both here, we might as well negotiate directly, don't you think Joseph?

He smiles, swirling around his drink before downing it in one fell swoop. 

Stalin: You heard her.

The diplomat sits back down, silently.

Stalin: Here's my offer. We are willing to cede territory up to the Dnepr river in the south and up to (he outlines the border between modern-day Finland and Russia) here in the north. We'll also agree to pay reparations, up to 45% of all damages incurred within the war.

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