Ch18: Sardegna Empire Annexation

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Two months have passed since the restructuring of Iron Blood and I must say, I think my power in this world is being surrounded by perfect human beings. The fact that they were able to get everything I asked up and running within the span of a month is absolutely ludicrous. Even I, a woman who always gave them short deadlines, figured it'd take at minimum a year. They've proven me wrong.

Our economy is booming with the new currency already printed and in circulation. The military restructuring has also been completed as many of the soldiers who had fought in our war with the Northern Parliament and Royal Navy have also decided to continue on as professional soldiers in the new army, navy and airforce. 

Furthermore, work has gotten underway to connect all the major cities to the Autobahn highway network. Things are indeed looking up.

On the war front, not much has changed. Rumelia still launches probing attacks here and there but having already lost over a million men trying to retake Egypt while we've only suffered injured troops, they've decided on a more defensive approach. Given we have no further interest in the war, however, their efforts are all for nought as we refrain from attacking even when they feign retreats.

Roselyn: Guten Morgen, mein Kaiserin.

Turning around, I find Roselyn walking towards me with a smile. It's perhaps the first time since Jean became my guard that no one is standing by my side but I don't feel threatened by their lack of presence. I mean, I am a KANSEN after all and this is Roselyn. I'd trust her with my life.

Roselyn: Don't tell me you've forgotten the schedule already.

Me: What schedu-ohh, I was supposed to meet with-

Roselyn: The R&D team in Leningrad, yes.

Me: Well, if you're not busy, we could go now.

She raises an eyebrow at that. I do find it funny how this same woman had been scared to so much as be in the same room as me when we met. Now look at her. Speaking to me as though we were best friends, which we kind of are but still...

Me: What else am I missing?

Roselyn: Breakfast? With the princess?

Me: Hmm? Rupprecht will be fine.

Roselyn: That's beside the point!

As she goes off on a tangent about how I should spend more time with my daughter, I look through the window to see Rupprecht and Parseval walking together in the courtyard below. It's strange to see them together. They don't have a bad relationship per se, but I'd hardly call it friendly either. I wonder what they're talking about.

Roselyn: At least, try and be there.

Me: I have a better idea. She can come too.

Roselyn opens her mouth to argue but closes it after realising she can't counter my response. After all, if spending time with my daughter is the problem she's currently trying to solve then having her come with us will solve that problem.

We're interrupted by an officer who comes running, delivering a message from Jean that representatives from the Sardegna Empire wish to see me. I glance at Roselyn but she shakes her head, indicating this wasn't planned.

Sighing, I make my way to the throne room where I find the girls from Sardegna along with their various government officials already kneeling before my throne.

Me: To what do we owe the pleasure?

Littorio: Thank you for agreeing to meet us, Your Majesty. We would like to formally request to join Iron Blood.

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