Ch2: Mein Kaiserin

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It's only been a couple of hours since my "rousing" speech and yet despite me still being in no condition to take on a ton of work, I'm sitting on my new throne within the freshly refurbished throne room. Before me, the delegation from the Vichya Dominion kneels in subservience as all the high-ranking personnel and KANSEN from Iron Blood watch the proceedings from the side.

Me: You're our guests, currently, you may rise.

????: Thank you, Your Majesty. 

The girl straightens before motioning for her companions to do the same. As they do, she introduces herself as Jean Bart and her companions as La Galissonnière and Marseillaise.


Jean: We're here-

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Jean: We're here-

Me: I know why you're here.

She falls silent, clearly annoyed that I've cut her off but knowing better than to dare to challenge me here.

Me: I'll be quite frank with you. I have plans for your lands so I'll offer you the same thing I've offered the Northern Parliament girls. Join me.

Jean: I-

Me: When I say join, I don't mean our alliance but rather the Empire. Become an official part of Iron Blood.

There's some muttering from the others as the room waits to see how she'll respond. Some seem concerned that this move would open us needlessly to overextending ourselves but I have no such concerns. Even if they were to choose to fight, the KANSEN within this room would be more than enough to conquer the Vichya Dominion. We need not bother our military.

Jean: What of our KANSEN? Would we become your maids?

She gestures to the Northern Parliament girls who're all currently dressed as maids as she says this. I smile, knowing full well that it wasn't my idea for them to dress up as such but that they chose to do so of their own accord. 

Me: Would that be so bad?

She grits her teeth but I merely laugh it off before standing. As I do, she stiffens, and when I begin walking down the stairs towards her she hesitantly takes a step back.

Me: You have spirit. I like you.

Taking her by the chin, I stare deeply into her eyes, daring her to resist. She clenches her fist and all the guards rest their hands on their weapons in response but when she doesn't put up a fight I release her.

Me: Interesting.

Turning my back to her, I take a step back towards my throne before stopping. Without facing her, I speak clearly so that all can hear me.

Me: Jean Bart, you will be my personal guard. The KANSEN of Vichya Dominion will become KANSEN of Iron Blood and be under my direct command as are all of our KANSEN. They'll enjoy full privileges, as will your citizens but in exchange I demand complete subservience. Do you accept?

Jean: I-

Turning to face her with a grin, I'm surprised that she's surprised that I gave her such a generous offer. I mean, haven't my prior negotiations gone similarly? The Northern Parliament girls didn't get thrown in a camp or get forced to do hard labour and the Sardegna girls got to keep their nation under the terms that they become a puppet state of Iron Blood so I don't know where she got the idea that I was cruel...

Jean: You're being serious?

Me: Yes.

She thinks long and hard about my proposal but when her companions rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she seems to regain her composure and after they share a glance they all kneel before me.

Jean: On behalf of the Vichya Dominion, I Jean Bart hereby agree to your proposal...Mein Kaiserin.

I'm filled with joy but manage to keep it down as I return to my throne. Before I can speak, however, others join the kneeling Jean.

????: Your Majesty, we of the Northern Alliance would also like to join the Empire.


Me: Why throw away your freedom?

????: We have already held referendums within our territory and the people voted to support the one that freed us from the Northern Parliament. We were sent here to start the process-

Me: Are you sure? I am more than willing to allow you to continue ruling yourselves.

????: We are. We will support you and as you are now the Empress of Iron Blood, we wish to serve. was never my plan to incorporate Sweden, Norway and Finland into Iron Blood. The whole point of giving them freedom was to prevent it from looking like we were merely fighting for land. If we were to accept now...


Me: Very well. Note that it will mean that your people will be subject to the same military service requirements as regular citizens of the Empire.

????: We would ask for nothing more than to have full citizenship.

This is going to be bothersome. I wonder if he'd take back the job...

Roselyn: Your Majesty, feel free to leave the job of handling the overall integration to the new Ministry of Internal Affairs. 

Me: Yes, it will prove an excellent test of their abilities.

Roselyn you absolute Queen! I could kiss you right now.

After a few more rounds, the Imperial Court is finally dismissed. Once all the guests clear out, the doors are closed leaving just me, the General Staff and the KANSEN. All the generals, admirals and ministers all fall to their knees and declare their allegiance to me. I'm excited to see men like Rommel here since they'll prove a great asset to our armed forces going forward no one resisting? That's no fun.

Me: Is there really none amongst you that wish to challenge my position? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

They all remain silent, likely out of fear.

Me: A shame...

I was definitely looking toward acting all high and mighty but if they're all cowering like whipped pups...

Me: Stand. 

They all do as instructed.

Me: Serve me well and you'll see yourselves live comfortable lives but betray the trust I'm placing in you today and you'll wish you were dead. Understood?

All: Yes, Mein Kaiserin.

Roselyn steps forward and hands each of them documents with the instructions for the upcoming winter. Everyone pours over the contents of the documents, taking the opportunity to clarify a few points with me before all leaving satisfied with their upcoming roles in my plans. As the last of the men leave, I turn to Jean who's standing amongst the other girls.

Me: Jean, don't you wish to return to Marseille before starting?

Jean: I came here with the intention of submitting and have already informed them of the decision. As you personal guard, I cannot leave your side for such a selfish-

Me: you want to go?

She's silent at that and I can't help the laughter that escapes my lips. I was right to keep her by my side. She's going to be interesting after all.

Me: I'm feeling like visiting the beach.

Roselyn, still standing beside me, smiles as all eyes focus on Jean.

Me: Girls, let's visit Marseille.

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