Ch1: I'm Back B****es!

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The pounding in my head rescinds as someone enters my room. It's pitch black but is soon lit up to such a degree I'm convinced the very sun has entered my room. As it turns out, I'm not far off as it appears someone's opened the curtains. I groan.

????: Good morning, Mother.

Me: Uggghh!!! Turn off the lights!

The person giggles before coming over. I feel their weight pressing down against the bed and before long their body comes between me and the sun, shielding my eyes and giving me the chance to see their face for the first time.

 I feel their weight pressing down against the bed and before long their body comes between me and the sun, shielding my eyes and giving me the chance to see their face for the first time

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Rupprecht: Hehe. Hi!

An even louder groan escapes my lips but I still manage to will myself to sit up as she steps away, returning with a food card which she pulls into the room. Seeing me already prepared, her smile grows even brighter but when I attempt to feed myself she all but blasts my hands away.

Rupprecht: Don't force yourself! 

Me: I...fine.

Letting myself get fed by anyone other than mother and Eugen admittedly feels awkward at first but after the first few bowls, I start coming around to the feeling and it isn't before long that I start teasing my daughter.

Rupprecht: Mom! Stop! I still need to finish up quickly so that you can deliver your speech, remember?

Me: That's today?

Rupprecht: Yes, and it is also why you must conserve your strength.

Me: Let me guess... Mother's put you up to this?

Rupprecht: Well, grandmother did say I should make sure you get proper rest and actually eat something before leaving out but-

Me: So basically you're openly admitting to believing that I need babysitting.

Rupprecht: That's-

Me: Don't worry, I won't hate you for it or anything. In fact, I think its quite cute.

Rupprecht: Cute?

 Me: My baby girl taking care of me. Means you'll have plenty of experience by the time I am old and grey.

Rupprecht: Mother! 

She turns away but as she does Mother comes walking in and when she sees me awake, rushes over.

FDG: Have you eaten? Are you feeling pain?

Me: I am fine.

Rupprecht: She's lying, grandmother, but she'll at least be ready for the speech later.

Friedrich's face is a mixture of joy and apprehension, clearly torn over whether to allow me to continue on with my plans for a public address to the nation but she knows things can't be halted now. She might be overbearing at times but she knows when to simmer down.

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