Ch8: Royal Navy Capitulation

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The battle for the Royal Navy's Home Island of Britannica hardly manages to last more than a few days before their forces surrender. Truth be told, the minute the first ship with soldiers from Iron Blood landed, the battle was a foregone conclusion. After all, they had wasted their troops attempting to take back London without KANSEN support and by the time the Royal Navy girls that had been away finally made it back, they found themselves hopelessly outmatched.

Usually, this wouldn't have mattered since they would be able to depend on Eagle Union support but with the latter still licking its wounds following its own battle with our fleet while simultaneously waging war against the Sakura Empire...well, let's just say my attack could not have come at a better time.

Roselyn: The task you asked of the salvage team has been completed, Your Majesty.

Me: Excellent. Oversee repairs.

Roselyn: As you command.

I watch her leave the throneroom before returning to my thoughts. Try as I might, however, I can't focus on anything other than just how successful my plan turned out to be.

I have achieved what none of my predecessors managed. Not Julius Caesar, nor Napoleon. Not even Hitler himself. I have bested them all and as I sit on the throne in Buckingham Palace's throneroom, pride swells within me. I really am amazing, aren't I?

Bismarck: Your Majesty, they have arrived.

Me: Let them in.

As Bismarck motions for the guards to open the door, cameras flash across the throneroom. The events occurring are being broadcast across the entirety of Iron Blood and will likely be seen by other nations as well. Representatives from both the Sardegna Empire and Northern Parliament are present, reaffirming their status as our allies. They are all here to witness my crowning achievement.

The world stands till as Queen Elizabeth enters. She's dolled up to perfection but her eyes are those of one who has lost it all. The total lost for her forces came out to around 87% of all KANSEN including the Pride of their fleet, HMS Hood. Her military did not fare better with 78% of her army and 90% of her airforce destroyed. We've successfully culled them into submission. The only living remaining are those who are away in her colonies, civilians or prisoners of war. 

I should feel sorry for her, after all she is but a mere child by comparison can I be? It was these same vermin that dared attack me the second I entered this world! If she thinks I'd ever forget the terror I felt when their planes fired at me...I need to keep calm. There are cameras here after all and as much as my heart might seek revenge, it isn't my intention to permanently erase all memory of the Royal Navy from existence.

Me: Welcome.

Elizabeth: Get off my-

Roon's fist slams into the back of her head sending her sprawling on the ground before me.

Roon: Show your respects-

Me: That's enough, Roon. She is still a Queen in her own least for now.

Roon backs away but keeps an eye on Elizabeth as she slowly struggles to get back onto her feet. Once she does, she faces me with determination.

Elizabeth: What do you want of me? Why not just kill me and be done with it?

Me: Surrender and we will spare your people. Should they cooperate, we will integrate them into our society and they will become our own.

Elizabeth: I-

Me: In exchange, I'll also throw in a bonus if you also commit to serving me.

Elizabeth: Are you mad? I'd never-

Me: Serve me and I'll give you this-

I stretch forth my hand and a hologram appears showing all the girls from the Royal Navy that had been sunk in the battle. Thankfully, they'd sunken as their KANSEN form so it was rather easy to get our submarines to locate them and aid the salvage teams to recover them as I'd requested. It took a while but given Roselyn had already confirmed that they'd managed to get everyone...

Elizabeth: Is that-

Me: Yes. Serve me, pledge Royal Navy's allegiance to me and I will ensure that you regain those you've lost as much as it is within my power to do so.

Before she can respond, the doors to the throneroom are thrown open as the few remaining survivors from the Royal Navy come in. Everyone is on guard but they don't pay us any mind, instead heading straight for their Queen.

George V: Elizabeth...

Elizabeth: George!

As they hug each other, Bismarck remarks that it is the first time they have seen each other since we captured them and placed them in separate prisons. Apparently, this is her idea, them reuniting at this moment. It's surprising but not in an unwelcome way. Perhaps...

Elizabeth: I thought that you had-

George V: No...I'm fine...we're fine...and we'll follow whatever you decide.

Elizabeth: What?

George V: If you wish to fight to the last then that is what we'll do. Right here, right now!

The others immediately reach to arm their weapons but I hold up my hand and they all stop. Beside me, I can tell Jean's still arming one of her main gun but I pretend not to notice, instead focusing on the precious moment my guests are sharing.

Elizabeth: George...

George V: If, however, you choose to lay down arms and submit to this foreign Empress then we will follow. So fear not, my Queen. We are yours to command.

I watch as she kneels before Elizabeth, kissing her hand as she does. The other Royal Navy girls also kneel showing their willingness to follow their Queen to the bitter end. It's a touching gesture, truly. I wonder if the others would do the same for me if the situation were reversed...I guess this is the difference between being loved and being feared.


Elizabeth: Thank you...

Me: So, have you made a decision?

Elizabeth: I have. 

She steps forward and Jean immediately raises her guns toward her, even despite my protest. 

Elizabeth: In exchange for the lives of those who put so much faith in me, I offer myself to you...Empress August of IronBlood.

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