Ch37: NATO

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With the return of the SIRENs confirmed, I'm scheduled to meet with the President of Eagle Union (Washington) at our largest Atlantic Naval Base not based in Europe. Arriving in Iceland, I'm greeted by the locals who line the streets to see their Empress. It's my first time visiting the island so it surprises me to find the people so patriotic but I suppose some of it stems from just how much the island has prospered after falling under the control of my Empire when the Royal Navy formally surrendered.

For the trip, I'm escorted mostly by the human element of our Imperial Guard with only Bellona playing the role of my personal guard today while the other Imperial Guard KANSEN are on a forced vacation back in Berlin. Five of the ten maids are also present since they simply refused to let me go without a significant personal protection detail and I couldn't be bothered to argue too much. That said, they're playing their roles as maids quite well so it's almost as though I only have one chaperone. 

Entering the base's HQ, I'm immediately greeted by President Washington who offers her hand in greeting. Taking it, I offer my greeting, stating that I am pleased she was able to complete the trip without much difficulty. She returns the same on our way to the conference room where we both sit across from each other.

Washington: I understand the need for formalities but I'd like to get straight to the point if that's okay with you.

Me: Very well.

Washington: You mentioned something about an alliance in the initial invite. Are you proposing that Iron Blood rejoin Azur Lane? If so, then that would prove a bit-

Me: No.

Washington: Huh?

Me: Nothing of the sort. I have no intention of joining Azur Lane.

Washington: Then why-

Me: I invited you here to discuss a treaty between Eagle Union and Iron Blood for the explicit purpose of fighting the SIREN. Outside of that parameter, we can remain as neutrals towards one another.

Washington: I...I see.

She seems disappointed by this outcome but quickly hides it behind a smile as she straightens her posture.

Washington: In that case, what are you proposing exactly? A defensive alliance to come to the aid of each other if attacked?

Me: I'm proposing exactly what I said. A military alliance for fighting against the SIREN. Meaning cooperation between our forces with regard to information gathering and strategic planning. We'll need to work together if we are to cover the vast ocean between us.

Washington: I see. What of our military bases, research and the like?

Me: Needless to say for this to work, we'll both need access to the other's military installations. However, as far as technology is concerned neither side is obligated to share their findings/present knowledge with the other.

Washington: It's no secret that your nation is more advanced than mine, especially when it comes to repairing KANSEN. If you aren't planning on sharing that particular technology then how can I be certain you won't just use this alliance as an excuse to have the SIREN eliminate our forces while you sit idly by waiting for the right moment to swoop in for the kill?

Me: Simple. We already repair your damaged girls under our existing treaty. This new alliance could simply continue that trend. Besides, if you are worried I have evil intentions towards your people then you can simply ask one of your own how she's been treated while with us.

Washington: One of?

Yorktown enters the room, silencing Washington and the other Eagle Union girls who are present. Thankfully, the fiend doesn't sit in my lap and force herself upon me which would certainly put a damper on things. 

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