Ch42: Date Night (1)

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A/N: If you have never read my book (Zhejiang and Enterprise) then you might not know who some of the characters beyond this point are as if memory serves, book one of AL: Kaiserin did not copy across the first section of Z&E which acts as a prologue of sorts to this book series.

It takes a while, amongst all the confusion our sudden arrival causes, but eventually, we're greeted by members of the military and escorted to the shore where we find the army already deployed to hold the masses at bay. Akagi seems concerned by their presence but with her hand firmly holding mine, she's at least calm enough that when it comes time to disembark she comes willingly.

On the ground, we're surprisingly met by my father. He doesn't recognise me, as is to be expected, but Zhejiang doesn't give me the chance to introduce myself.

Premier: Are you saying this young woman is my daughter?

Zhejiang: I am. She got dragged into the portal with me and...well, this is the result.

Premier: Liang?

Me: Hello, Father.

Premier: Good try but my daughter would never-

He's cut off by a sudden rush from the crowd as the perimeter set by the military is finally breached. In the chaos, Akagi and I get separated from everyone else but as I remember the layout of the city I grab her hand and together we make our way inland. 

Using alleyways and cutting through plazas, we're able to get away from the harbour but it's only when we finally come to a stop in the fashion district that it occurs to me that I should have stayed with the group. After all, we have no way of getting back in touch with them...then again, with Akagi's many tails, I'm sure it won't take them long to find us using the surveillance system.

Akagi: So this is where you're from?

Me: Yep.

Akagi: Is there a reason why everyone is staring at us? 

Me: Yep.

Akagi: Are you like royalty here as well?

Me: Something like that, though they're not staring because of me.

She looks puzzled but when I explain that everyone's just admiring how realistic her "costume" looks she blushes before realising what I mean.

Akagi: I the only one-

Me: Yes. In this world, growing a tail isn't something normal.

Akagi: I...well, I suppose even in the Sakura Empire it's only the KANSEN that have such features.

I smile, taking her hand as we continue walking down the streets until we come to a stop before an ice cream shop.

Akagi stares longingly after the treat, especially after seeing a little girl gushing over how great it tastes. With a smile, I head inside so she can get a better look. The minute we're inside, we're greeted as though we're celebrities.

Staff: Boss! Look! It's the people who just greeted the Premier on TV!

Owner: What? In my shop?

The man comes running out and when he sees us, he rushes past other customers to shake our hands.

Owner: Come, please. Have a seat. It's an honour to serve-

????: It should be.

The world goes silent as everyone looks towards the door to find my father standing there. The owner's face goes pale.

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