Ch31: News By Blucher

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Blucher's POV:

Guten Morgen, Iron Blood! As usual, this is Blucher bringing you the latest news from Iron Blood and the world at large. However, we shall be breaking tradition by first heading to the Pacific Theatre as I have something too spicy to reveal yet. It is something that I'm sure will get your blood boiling. I know it certainly has cooked mine!

In the Pacific, Eagle Union has struck a decisive victory against the Sakura Empire now that they are able to throw their undivided attention against them. Off the coast of Hawaii, they successfully drove back the defending fleet before seizing the strategically important Naval Base of Pearl Harbour back from Sakura following the loss of the same earlier this month. The battle ended with severe casualties on the part of the Sakura Empire with 6 carriers sunk and another 3 severely damaged. 

It is said that Eagle Union only suffered superficial losses during the encounter. I suspect this will mark the beginning of a major offensive to push the Sakura Empire back towards their prewar borders. However, it remains to be seen whether Eagle Union will prove capable at the island-hopping strategy the Sakura Empire has so far perfected.




Still in that region of the world, we move to much more dire news as this one concerns Iron Blood itself.

The Dragon Empery has simultaneously started a renewed counter-offensive. They have already forced Sakura troops to begin fighting on the defensive and have even besieged the city of Shanghai. 

This is where our news takes a dark turn for the worst as an Iron Blood family that had been vacationing in Shanghai when Dragon Empery forces besieged the city was killed. It is believed at this time that they died when Empery troops began bombarding the city with artillery without warning. 

Despite Iron Blood and Dragon Empery still officially being at war, there is a general outcry across the entirety of Iron Blood over the incident and reports have already come in from other Azur Lane nations that this might reignite the war between Iron Blood and the greater Azur Lane alliance!

Now, the entire nation holds its breath as the Empress, the Imperial Council and delegates from across the Empire gather in Berlin at the Reichstag for what might prove to be a turning point in the Empress' foreign policy.

In other breaking news, clashes between local militias within the Rumelian Empire and Iron Blood forces stationed in the imperial region of Israel have reignited with multiple suicide bombings along the electric fence which runs along the border. 

In response, the Imperial Ambassador to Rumelia has made a formal complaint to the Rumelian Government but has yet to receive any response. As such, the garrison in the region has been fully mobilised activating all 20,000 troops for active service and stationing them along the border in anticipation of a much larger offence.

Another 30,000 troops have also been mobilised and are set to arrive in the region later today to further reinforce our position. However, no KANSEN have been deployed as yet, perhaps due to the news surrounding the family in Shanghai and the further reports coming in that more Iron Blood citizens are trapped in the city.




Okay, so this is just in but the Northern Parliament has officially renounced the action of the Dragon Empery soldiers and have opened their borders to allow any citizens of Iron Blood to pass through where they'll be given food and shelter while arrangements are made to get them back to Iron Blood.

An official at the Imperial Palace has already commended the move, calling on other nations to join our bolshevik friends in doing the right thing and aiding the innocent Iron Blood people fleeing the conflict zone.

There has still been no official news from either Dragon Empery or the Sakura Empire governments on the matter.




BREAKING NEWS!!! The Eagle Union and the Sakura Empire has drawn a temporary ceasefire allowing troops from both nations to aid in the rescue of Iron Blood citizens trapped in Shanghai after the Dragon Empery refused to create an emergency corridor to evacuate the civilians trapped inside.

In a war defying move, troops and KANSEN from both nations participated in a naval assault on the port city. Together, along with massive air support from over 10 carriers, they were able to stem the Dragon Empery siege on the city long enough to successfully evacuate the trapped civilians and have already made arrangements with the recently established Imperial Embassy in the Sakura Empire to have the citizens of Iron Blood transported north to the Northern Parliament where a detachment of the Red Army is already waiting to assist the affected on their journey back to Iron Blood.

The move has earned the approval of the Empress herself who has given a brief statement shortly after receiving the news, thanking all nations involved for their continued assistance in helping get her people to safety. All this in before the meeting of the Reichstag scheduled to occur later today!

Will these events play a role in the ruling of the Empress following the meeting or has her Majesty's mind already been decided on what course of action to take? Only time will tell.

Blucher out!

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