Ch51: Northern Shenanigans (2)

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Having finished up with Rossiya, I leave her sleeping on the bed as I continue on my way. I momentarily consider returning to my room to check on Akagi but ultimately decide to give her as much time as she needs to catch up with her sister.

As I walk through the resort's hallway, I'm greeted by staff and other guests, though none try to go out of their way to speak with me. It's almost as though I have Jean or one of the other girls standing behind me and scaring them away.

????: I believe I promised you answers.

Me: Who-

Turning around, I find the hallway suddenly enveloped in black fog. By the time it clears, I'm standing amid an unknown sea, with nothing but darkness and red glowing pillars for my company. That is, until Alpha reveals herself.

Me: What do you want?

Alpha: Is that the way to treat a friend?

Me: A friend?

She laughs, wrapping her arms around me from behind as her mouth hovers just above my neck. The feeling of her breath against my skin is surprisingly not uncomfortable but I nevertheless grab hold of her hand, forcing her to come in front me and face me directly.

Alpha: That's a first.

Me: What is?

Alpha: Usually they let me do my thing...though I suppose you've always been different.

Me: said you had answers?

Alpha: I do, but instead I think I am going to do something better for you.


Alpha: In a few weeks, this world will undergo a major change. It will be invaded by another foreign power not too dissimilar from how we invaded. 

Me: So the SIRENS are fighting amongst themselves? Did you come to ask for my help because I'm quite certain we're supposed to be enemies.

Alpha: Haha...oh dear. It seems I made this too complex for you. The newcomers won't be SIREN. They are creatures born in the Ocean's Abyss and they are as much an enemy to us as they'll be to you.

Me: Hmmm...I fail to see the problem. If they'll fight against you and keep you preoccupied then it means we'll only need to focus on one enemy.

Alpha: You could but are you certain you'll be capable of fighting them on your own?

Me: I-

Alpha: You haven't yet fought against us, have you?

Me: That...that may be true but-

Alpha: Then why make a needless enemy of us? We can keep things amicable between us and face the new threat together.

Me: You're being too pushy.

Alpha: Huh?

Me: Why do you need my help so much?

Alpha: I-

Me: What aren't you telling me?

Alpha: I...I never said I need your help-

Me: True but you seem desperate to have me accept an alliance.

She sighs, lowering herself until her feet touch the ground. Rather than explain, however, she turns away from me and raises her hand. The world around us responds, beginning to flicker as it all changes.

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