Ch13: Daughter...

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I'm awoken by the feeling of someone stroking their fingers through my hair. At first, I think it's Agir or Eugen but as their busts press into my face, the perpetrator is pretty clear even without opening my eyes.

Me: Good morning, mother.

FDG: Am I such a bad mother that you can't come to visit me?

Me: I-

FDG: Why haven't I been able to see you for the past...I don't even know how long it's been!

Me: You saw me yesterday, and a couple of days before that.

She hits me at that. It isn't enough to cause harm but it definitely gets her point across.

FDG: Passing in the hallway is not the same as spending time with each other!

Still lying down with my head in her lap, I look up to find her glaring down at me. I briefly wonder whether she'd strangle me or Ulrich to death if she ever found out about the things we did. Speaking of Ulrich, what exactly is our relationship? I know I have open relationships but...with her things feel a bit different.

FDG: I hope you're thinking up ways to make an apology.

Me: I-

FDG: When was the last time you even spent time with your daughter?

Me: I doubt Parseval wants me to hoard all her time.

FDG: I...what about your other daughter?

Me: She's been with you all this time so I'm sure-

Mother gasps in exasperation, throwing her hands into the air as though she's given up on even attempting to converse with me. The scene causes me to laugh though she's quick to berate me over it, stating that this is no laughing matter.

FDG: She might seem grown but she's very much still a child and children need their mothers in their lives.

Me: I-

She pushes me out of the bed.

FDG: Go! Go spend time with your daughter!

Me: Aren't I going to bathe first?

For a brief second, I can all but hear the gears turning in her head as she decides which is more important at present but ultimately she agrees and after a quick bath I'm ushered out of the room and on my way. 

Laughing as I walk, I'm greeted by maids and guards alike on the way to the gardens where I find Rupprecht running her fingers through some nearby flowers.

Me: How are you feeling?

She jumps, not having felt my presence as I stood by watching her play with nature. 

Rupprecht: M-mother?

Me: Would you care to go for a walk?

She eyes me as a child who thinks they've done something wrong and it only makes me laugh even more. 

Me: Don't tell me you're afraid of your own mother.

Rupprecht: I-

Me: Come...I won't bite.

Despite my teasing, she's still hesitant about joining me. Perhaps Mother was right after all. If relations with my own child are this strained, how can I ever hope to hold my Empire together?

Rupprecht: Where are we going?

Me: Anywhere you'd like.

As she thinks about what to say, I try to come up with an idea of my own but find that despite being her mother I don't know any of her likes or dislikes. I don't know her friends or even whether she likes me or not.

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