Broken Heart

385 16 6

I don't know what I was expecting.

He needed to go.

He was a scumbag.

So why did I feel like I just had my heart ripped out?

All this time, someone I trusted..

Someone who cared for me..

Was it all a facade?

Did he actually care?


This is why I don't let people in.

They only let you down.

I need to keep my guard up from now on.

I need to reign in my emotions.

I know my worth.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Seungmins muffled voice invaded my thoughts.

I didn't realise I had completely zoned out. It felt like I was in a different room altogether.

As my awareness returned to the room, a familiar heaviness kept me planted to the floor, and the adrenaline started to shake my body.

Seungmins arm wrapped around me to comfort me.

"Hey, it's okay.." Hyunjins soft voice soothed my building anxiety as I processed what had happened today, with shock catching up on me.

My body felt numb, but my head was absolutely killing me.

I raised my hand to lightly rub it and Seungmin gave me a once over to check for any injuries.

"I'll get you some strong pain killers." He whispered, while softly stroking my hair. He was never really affectionate, but I could tell he cared about me, so it felt comforting.

"Thank you." I sighed.

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds, and I could feel my eyes begin to tear up.

Han, Jeongin and Felix began clearing up, and I was guided out of the room. There was a lot to do.

Everywhere I looked, there was some kind of evidence of todays events.

Chan and Minho's faces were battered and bruised.

Bodies of YGs cronies were littered all over the place.

Blood splatters.

Broken glass.

Bullet shells.

It was evident I wasn't used to this.

"Let's get you back home." Seungmin wrapped his arm around my back, squeezing my shoulder lightly.

Home. A small smile cracked my mask.

"Hey, wait a sec!" I hear voices overlap from behind me, and we all turn to look.

We only got as far as the front door, when Chan and Namjoon stopped us. Hyunjin and Seungmin let go of me and created some space.

"What's wrong?" I queried with a shaky breath.

This doesn't look good.

"Uh.. So, Y/N..

Namjoon and I have been talking and we think the best thing right now for you.. Would be to stay at Bangtans place for the time being.. While the dust settles." Chan explains, but his hesitance made me feel like he had no choice.

"What?" Seungmin quizzed.

"Seriously, Hyung?" Hyunjin added, stepping closer to me as if to protect me.

"She will be perfectly safe with us. Anyway, don't you recall how easy it was for Yoongi to break into your house? Just be realistic for a sec." Namjoon defended, gesturing his arms like the decision is a no brainer.

"Are you insinuating that she will be in danger if she stays with us?" Hyunjin spat. Shit, he's got balls.

Chan steps in to diffuse the tension.

"Now, now. After today, everyone is in danger.

With Y/N being the least experienced in combat, we need to protect her. She is part of our team now, after all.

Bangtan's house is more out of the way, has better security systems and actually has security staff on-site.

She isn't a prisoner, she is just going to be protected.

You can visit her any time as well." Chan reassured, with Hyunjin and Seungmin visibly relaxing after his statement.

I stood there quietly.

My heart felt fragile, so I made a conscious effort to not get too worked up over the decision.

There was still some tension between Bangtan and The Kids.. and it worried me.

I just knew the others would not take the decision lightly either.

"Okay, well.. When am I going?" I sighed, accepting my fate.


A car is waiting outside." Namjoon stated sharply.

Chan grimaced, slowly approaching me to hug me. I accepted his embrace, squeezing him tightly, but I was still processing what was happening.

Hyunjin huffed, kicking at the small table near the entrance in anger, knocking it over. It was upsetting seeing them so angry with the sudden decision.

I pulled away from Chan.

"I want to say goodbye to the others at least?" I frowned. For some reason, the 'now' sounded very literal. Why did I feel like I was being forced?

"There's no time. Who knows what back-up might be heading this way as we speak. You need to go." Namjoon commanded, stepping forward to put his hands around me to direct me out.

"Chan?" I faltered. Is he really going to ship me away, just like that? Without a proper goodbye?

I caught his eyes and he looked guilty.

I exhaled and walked with Namjoon, trying my hardest to hold back the tears.

I felt the safest with The Kids.

Not that I didn't feel safe with Bangtan, though. I just bonded more with the others. They kept me safe throughout all this.. And now they no longer can? It just didn't feel right.

I took my seat, and watched Namjoon as he closed the car door. I wound down the tinted window so I could get some fresh air, and likely catch a scene outside.

He stood for a second speaking to the driver, and as he did, I spotted Minho and Changbin rushing out of the door. Here we go.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Minho growled.

Changbin looked on, confused at the sight he walked out on.

"It's okay, Minho. Chan will explain."
I tried reassuring him, but he was too far gone. Fire was in his eyes.

Chan rushed from behind and got in between Minho as he squared up to Namjoon.

"Minho, it's okay." I mouthed. My strength in the matter was wearing thin, and I was on the brink of tears.

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/N?" Changbin worried, reaching his hand through the car window to comfort me. He could see I was putting on a front.

"Yes, please try not to worry about me. I will be safe." I smiled weakly.

A single tear left my eye, and Changbin stroked my cheek to wipe it.

He pulled his hand away and the driver started to wind my window up. I kept my eyes on Changbin until the last second.

We moved off, and the image of Minho trying to fight Namjoon plastered in my mind.

Is that the last time I will see them all? Or will they really be able to visit me?

This all feels so wrong.

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