Whats the worst that could happen?

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We all climb into the hot tub. The temperature is perfect and I recede into it, feeling grateful for the coverage the bubbles were providing.

"Y/N, sit on this bit for me" Hyunjin coaxes. Pointing to the space on his right. "Isn't that where the jets come out of?" I question.. naively. Of course he would want me to sit there.

I hesitantly make my way over to him. He turns on the jets and I let out a squeal. The jets weren't sharp feeling but they had some power. Power that happened to cause a deep vibration. I wasn't going to lie, it felt good.

I looked at Hyunjin after a few seconds with glassy eyes. His face was smug. And I was now horny again.

"Shall we get some more drinks in?" Changbin interrupted, breaking our eye contact.

Felix hopped out of the tub and came waddling back with a bottle of soju between each finger, and one in his mouth.

We were all passed one to sit with, and I glanced at the label. 20.1% alcohol. This isn't going to end well.

"Lets play a little game of Truth or Drink shall we?" Chan hums.

Oh no.. either way I think I'm fucked.

"We will go round the group. Oldest to youngest. 

Oh.. Y/N.. how old are you by the way?"

"Oh.. I'm... 1996" I hesitate. 

Felix, Jeongin, Changbin and Seungmin all choked on their drinks.

Minoh and Han both sat there with their jaws to the floor.

Hyunjin smirked.

Chan sat wide-eyed.

"Interesting.." Hyunjin purred.

Taken aback by their reactions, I began to blush. "...How so?" I mumbled.

"I don't know what it is.. but somethings telling me we all thought you were younger.. Noona" He snickered.

Chan clears his throat. "Ehem.. So..Uhh.. Y/N. you're starting. Truth.. Uh.. "

"Wait.. I'm the oldest?" I gasp.

"Yeah... technically only by one year though.." Chan remarks. Scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Welp. Age is just a number isn't it? I'm flattered you all thought I was younger." I admitted, feeling shy over the revelation.

"I think we deserve a drink after that!" Han struggles, almost like he is traumatized. 

We all nod in agreement and take a swig from our bottles.

"Truth, Y/N.. what's your body count?" Changbin asks excitedly.

I take a shot of soju, with groans erupting from the men. 

"Ah no fair! That's not a bad question, Y/N!" Changbin cries.

I struggle to hold a straight face after my shot, and I then gesture to Chan as it's his turn.

"Chan.. have you fucked any of Aespa?" Hyunjin smirks.

"Well that's a bit unprofessional but of course I have.." He admits flippantly.

"I knew it! Karina?" Hyunjin confidently beams.

"Now that would be telling" Chan giggles sipping from his bottle.

"Minho, have you and Y/N already fucked?" Changbin bluntly questions.

Minho glances over to me and smirks. He raises his bottle to his lips and and I do the same.

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