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"You're special.

You know that, right?

Of course you do.

That's how you've kept your spirit.

You don't break easily.. Or at least, you don't show it.

Everything that has been thrown at you, you have handled it. You adapted. You almost.. Flowed through it.. Like water.

You knew your worth, and you didn't lower yourself below that, but you became accepting of your fate, and made the best out of it. You learned from it, and improved yourself.

It's admirable, really.

There's something else, though.

You captivate people.

Your aura..

You have a natural charm to you.

That's why everyone wanted you.

Needed you.

The desire to touch you.

To have some sort of.. Connection with you.

Almost like there was a hunger.

But, once we had you.. You were like a drug.

We couldn't live without you.

We couldn't bare the thought of someone hurting you.

That's why we protected you.

You are valuable.

If we didn't have you, someone else would.

We can't let that happen.

We need you.

You understand that we can't let you go, right?

You are indispensable to our operation.

The way your mind works, your observations, your determination..

You are strong.

There are some things that I will need to teach you, but you have the perfect foundations to become one of the most powerful people in this area of work.

I need to push you, though.

I need to ensure your spirit cannot be broken.

It will be hard for you, but it will be worth it.

You will thank me for it.

I promise."

The Distraction + The Siren~ BTS/SKZ/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now